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Prediction time

Kisskissfallinlove January 8, 2021 5:41 pm

SH feels bad for what he did to NK and allows him to leave with his sister but NK refuses and stays with him because he has Stockholm syndrome. TBH, i want SH to suffer for putting NK through so much shit.

    shiuN January 10, 2021 3:19 pm
    Probably you just let them bubble bubble themselves, we can’t force people to agree to one opinion. They might be underage reader, which not suitable to read potn. Just one thing that I wonder..... those peop... cyan

    Exactly, it is a complex story where many people can have overlapping opinions. I do not ship Seungho and Nakyum because he is simply too far gone and this is just a Sangwoo and Yoonbum situation all over again. I’m just reading it to see Nakyum be happy again and hopefully Seungho gets punishment but also some sort of redemption arc because dude is definitely far gone.

    shiuN January 10, 2021 3:21 pm
    lmfao I'm not reading all that, you're completely delusional and make no sense. I'm sorry you can't read but there's nothing I can about it. some perv

    You were practically agreeing with me that he doesn’t have Stockholm you weirdo. All of your sources went against the fact that he stayed cause he loved him, which is what Stockholm is....... like are you dumb or illiterate????? You completely missed the point of my whole comment. It’s easy to see Nakyum is falling in love, but his reasons for staying are simply out of fear and situational problems. Please stop.

    cyan January 10, 2021 5:30 pm
    Exactly, it is a complex story where many people can have overlapping opinions. I do not ship Seungho and Nakyum because he is simply too far gone and this is just a Sangwoo and Yoonbum situation all over again... shiuN

    I’m sorry but I am disagreeing with you a little there. I still expect for SH to end up with Naekyum. I know there’s rape kidnapping etc, but I still expect them to be together, but however I will not complain of whatever the author will bring to the table, I enjoy the manga. A person like Seungho does exist in the real world unfortunately, there’s may be a reason why he become who he is or how he grow up. Just like Tarzan, he grow up with gorilla

    cyan January 10, 2021 5:36 pm
    Exactly, it is a complex story where many people can have overlapping opinions. I do not ship Seungho and Nakyum because he is simply too far gone and this is just a Sangwoo and Yoonbum situation all over again... shiuN

    Seungho is mentally ill he need help, he only react to Naekyum on whatever he do. He was feeling betrayed when he thought Naekyum ran away. Most everyone in this comment chain would be disagree with me given what all of them have commented. But if I were in Seungho’s shoe I can’t imagine how hellish my life is, fill with wrath and no one there to help me and feeling alone. Is hard to change the character like Seungho but not impossible. But look like most of everyone here want Seungho to be suffere? Revenge? What type of suffering you want to be fall on him? Dead? If you want him die, what about Naekyum? He have no where to go, his sister don’t want him to go back to keasing or whatever the name I don’t remember. Do you want Naekyum go look for his teacher? So you think his teacher with treat Naekyum better than Seungho, and he will provide Naekyum food, warm clothes and roof above his head? Sorry this become very long analysis