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Sorry for the essay LOL

Dweeb January 13, 2021 7:48 am

I've said this over and over again but I wanna say it again Jooin is perhaps the dumbest protagonist I've ever read. His infactuation with Yawhi is so dumb. Hes blind sighted by "love* and over looks every possible aspect that anyone with half a brain would've seen. Hes been mistreated time and time and continued to feel this way even after. He supposedly had "character development" during one of the chapters but it was just him standing up for himself against Yawhi THEN getting raped and falling back in the same hole.

The moment of realization that Jooin had, where he realized that this isn't what a good relationship looks like and stood up for himself made me really happy. Then it can crumbling down a few chapters later.

I don't even know how to describe him because he's in love with a person who's only redeeming quality is their looks. For gods sake they aren't even in a actual relationship.

I feel like though out the story this far, Jooin has been way too far into this hole. Cain asks him 'are you happy' and he responds with 'no one is ever really satisfied, so yes I'm happy' which I think shows how deeply committed to these feelings he already is, where he is satisfied as bring seggs partners even after being trampled on and stepped all over.

I dont know abt the Yawhi shippers but I think we would all say no to Cain's question if put into Jooins shoes.

    floppa January 13, 2021 7:49 am

    No cap bruh jooin has always made me angry w his dumbass decisions lmao

    Dweeb January 13, 2021 7:53 am

    Jooin's infactuation with Yawhi blinds him from every wrong doing Yawhi has done. Seen in the question Cain asks he says smt along the lines with he's happy because people always want more. This in itself is dumb, people draw the line of being happy at different places but being mistreated, and not getting a straight answer to your confession and having seggs repeatedly after it is not what most people consider happy.

    I forgot to include this but I really hope we have a scene where Cain just beats the shit out of Yawhi

    Dweeb January 13, 2021 7:54 am
    No cap bruh jooin has always made me angry w his dumbass decisions lmao floppa

    FR I wish I could just smack him really hard smt ಥ‿ಥ

    floppa January 13, 2021 7:56 am
    FR I wish I could just smack him really hard smt ಥ‿ಥ Dweeb

    And that black haired mf too fuck him he gets on my nerves

    Dweeb January 14, 2021 7:23 am
    And that black haired mf too fuck him he gets on my nerves floppa

    Yawhi is in my top 3 most hated fictional characters

    floppa January 14, 2021 7:48 am
    Yawhi is in my top 3 most hated fictional characters Dweeb

    Whos ur top 1