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Krissy January 15, 2021 12:04 pm

I should really start reading the whole title of the manga before I try and read it...I just wanted some cute wholesome gay...not gay bordering on pedophilia...

    Judas My Traitor January 15, 2021 1:37 pm

    That's true... It's unfortunate since I really enjoyed the theme of Ch. 9, but since the ages are really unsettling, it really just makes you uncomfortable... Atleast they kept it out of the adult theme for the majority... Unlike other horrendous manga out there...

    Krissy January 16, 2021 1:19 am
    That's true... It's unfortunate since I really enjoyed the theme of Ch. 9, but since the ages are really unsettling, it really just makes you uncomfortable... Atleast they kept it out of the adult theme for the... Judas My Traitor

    Yeah...I guess I should be glad It didn’t go any further ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Krissy February 19, 2021 12:39 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! مانغا غووو

    Please inform me how pedophilia has literally anything to do with drag queens and please do inform me what the fuck a lgbtard is. Also....what.

    Krissy February 19, 2021 12:53 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! مانغا غووو

    Drag queens are men dressing up as women my dude, if you want to talk about actual pedophilia going on in any communities you might wanna check your local church :) Have a good day random troll, I wish you your best on your coming out!

    Krissy February 19, 2021 12:08 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! مانغا غووو

    You keep calling me a pedo despite the fact that you’ve seen my replies to pedophilic gross ass manga’s like this one...does your trolling know no logic ? Like at all ? Goodbye now homie