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So the symbols of the blessing of darkness were...

Literal God January 16, 2021 11:24 pm

Dark skin, hair and eyes.
So when they gave her the symbol of light they chose to change her skin color instead of her hair or eyes. And nobody thought this was going to be a gross thing to do?


I see what other people saying that it's what her skin color would have been without the blessing of darkness. But if the blessing of darkness changed her DNA then you have a 3rd parent in the gene pool. She was never white any way you swing it.

And keep in mind they could have changed her hair or eyes and the point would have been made.

I was so happy to see a dark-skinned isekai protagonist too. So sad.

    Anne22 January 19, 2021 7:10 pm

    i know right, i was so disappointed when they made her white. she looked so beautiful with dark skin and there aren’t enough dark skin protagonists already. :(((

    Literal God January 22, 2021 1:49 pm
    i know right, i was so disappointed when they made her white. she looked so beautiful with dark skin and there aren’t enough dark skin protagonists already. :((( Anne22

    Do you know any other isekai romance with a dark-skinned protagonist?
    I'd love to read.

    gxthmyg January 25, 2021 10:00 am

    us pocs never get shit

    Literal God January 25, 2021 2:33 pm
    us pocs never get shit gxthmyg

    If your'e into BL, Mother's Spirit is still one of my favourites.

    Mermaid's Egg also has a good POC but the uke is trash and pretty racist (intentionally). It's enough to make me uncomfortable and I'm latina. Interesting world-building though.

    Wish I could recommend some straight or GL manga. But the only straight manga I read is isekai and I have trouble finding GL that suits my tastes.

    gxthmyg January 25, 2021 3:38 pm
    If your'e into BL, Mother's Spirit is still one of my favourites.'s Egg also has a good POC but the uke is trash and pretty racist (intentionally). It's e... Literal God

    omg thank u for this please marry me

    gxthmyg January 25, 2021 3:40 pm
    If your'e into BL, Mother's Spirit is still one of my favourites.'s Egg also has a good POC but the uke is trash and pretty racist (intentionally). It's e... Literal God

    HONESTLY its so hard to find good gl webtoons most of them are very uncomfortable nsfw and weird

    Literal God January 25, 2021 3:53 pm
    HONESTLY its so hard to find good gl webtoons most of them are very uncomfortable nsfw and weird gxthmyg

    All the GL I've remotely liked so far is on my GL Vetted By A Lesbian With A Weak Heart List. There's like...5.

    If I read more I'm sure I'd find more to like, but we don't have something like Bara to isolate the lesbian-targeted stuff from the male-targeted stuff and I got zero patience for that. Would rather just trip and fall into the occasional GL

    gxthmyg January 26, 2021 3:01 pm
    Fr!All the GL I've remotely liked so far is on my GL Vetted By A Lesbian With A Weak Heart List. There's like...5. I read more I'm sure I'd find more to like, but ... Literal God

    same the only gl webtoon and manga i liked was the mage and demon queen and the heroine like the villainess (?) they were really good. and most of them are also queer bait. always gotta eat the crumbs