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I'm so confuseddd D:

bakayaoi November 4, 2015 1:45 am

At the police station:
"He's been coming here every day to see you since"
Is Tooru being held at the station? Why?

When the police or whoever asked Tooru:
"For whose sake did you commit the crime for?"
Crime? Does he mean beating the mother up? Didn't Satoru do that?

"I will forever wait for your return"
It seems like they've been separated?
If Tooru is being held at the station for questioning, Satoru wouldn't have to use the word "forever"

What happenedddd? TT^TT

    bakayaoi November 4, 2015 1:54 am


    I didn't read/look carefully and thought it was Tooru at the end, and not Satoru <_<
    It all makes sense now >.<

    Why the actual fk is he being taken in
    His mother deserved getting beat up
    I honestly feel like the case should have been disregarded
    Like, bring the mother to the hospital and be done with it
    There's no need to punish Satoru, especially when he did it on a whim
    It should have been treated like how a "self-defense" case would have been treated ( ̄へ ̄)

    suzuki November 18, 2015 5:40 am
    OKAY I FEEL SO DUMB RNEVERYONE PLEASE IGNORE THISI didn't read/look carefully and thought it was Tooru at the end, and not Satoru <_< It all makes sense now >.<But...Why the actual fk is he being ta... bakayaoi

    I think the one being held is satoru, the little brother, and it seems that yeah, he maybe hit the mother. So, the one who give the letter is tooru. But I'm being dumb too, what the seventh sin? I'm confused

    I=stupid November 18, 2015 6:21 am
    I think the one being held is satoru, the little brother, and it seems that yeah, he maybe hit the mother. So, the one who give the letter is tooru. But I'm being dumb too, what the seventh sin? I'm confused suzuki


    the mom was making tooru have sex with her.

    suzuki November 19, 2015 1:31 pm
    Spoiler the mom was making tooru have sex with her. @I=stupid

    oh.. shit. that terible
    thanks anyway~

    Yajeev January 29, 2016 5:28 am
    I think the one being held is satoru, the little brother, and it seems that yeah, he maybe hit the mother. So, the one who give the letter is tooru. But I'm being dumb too, what the seventh sin? I'm confused suzuki

    The seventh sin I think was having sex with his mother