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Okay this was a seriously good story and I'm disturbed I found it that good. Mostly becaus...

alrkitty November 5, 2015 2:48 am

Okay this was a seriously good story and I'm disturbed I found it that good. Mostly because of the rape scene and the fact he basicly nearly ruined his life to get him to move in with him but after hearing his story at the end I honestly forgave the guy for it......which makes me feel upset with myself. sigh.

The thing I don't forgive and I don't think anyone else should is that guy who was trying to kill the man he loved just because he didn't want him with someone else and was to much of a coward to admit his feelings. I mean really they told him to reveal his feelings like it would work out but sure go ahead also admit to him that you tried to kill him also. Seriously I hope that does not end up well for him. And even though I did not like the brother the story that the author told at the end seemed interesting I would like to read it if they wrote it.

    Tink January 17, 2016 12:29 am

    I can't believe how twisted my mind is sometimes. My friends and family have issues accepting the fact that I'm into yaoi so the shame I feel thinking of myself liking stories that involve rape... I can only imagine their reaction if they ever found out.

    YoaiGirl April 7, 2016 1:55 pm
    I can't believe how twisted my mind is sometimes. My friends and family have issues accepting the fact that I'm into yaoi so the shame I feel thinking of myself liking stories that involve rape... I can only i... Tink

    Well you have to remember ppl write and draw this type of thing. so imagine how others see them they are the ones thinking it up.

    Cynder------ella May 1, 2016 5:24 am

    I think the same. While reading this didn't hit the level of interest meter because there are some parts that i hate. And the flow was some kind of boring.
    I just want to pointed out the arts tho there good but why is the main character blushed while being raped or harassed? He should be angry not delighted. I mean,..what's up with that? The art doesn't give the reaction I wanted to see if I'm in the same situation. This should be gruesome but the ending just so fluffy that makes me forget the plot completely.