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Under that Cool Cover..

KyoZaNa✿ November 15, 2015 7:58 pm

«❖[]❖» The Cover looks so cool, I didn't expect under that cool cover would be a cruel love story of a subordinate Seme to his young yakuza boss. Unique interesting plot but there's also a big gap? - The Seme plans w/o amnesia case, what'll he excuse for working with the one whom wipes out their group? Moreover, annihilating betrayal doesn't help him get his straight boss but make him's hated. - Betray for what? He already got a high position & a lot of money. (+_+;)

»» [Spoil Alert!] The Uke changed his mind in a last minute, didn't kill the Seme but he still can't forgive him. Somehow I think it's better this way as the teen Uke can't revive his group to revenge that group, can't even survives by himself! A simple life also suits him more. Killing the Seme is just like killing himself. Time sure heals. Though we can't tell whether they'll go back to be lover or be half rival-lover like this till die apart.. that open end is the best for them already.

    KyoZaNa✿ November 21, 2015 5:12 pm

    Let's have a look at the inside color picture..
    Seems like sensei purposely clued us some deep meanings..
    - The clothes & tattoo of the Seme (in manga he has no tattoo), he's intrinsic yakuza but the Uke's deep down an easygoing guy who suits with a simple peaceful life..
    - What does that holding hand mean?! - The Uke doesn't let the Seme go or he actually loves him or both? Oh oh oh..

    >> The Seme committed such a cruel terrible crime, but the way he's crazy in love & cherishes the Uke with life, makes me can't hate him though I can't forgive him!! Σ( ̄∇ ̄")

    KyoZaNa✿ March 22, 2016 4:55 pm

    Seeing sensei also used inside color pic of "End Game" to clue deep meaning reminds me of what I ever mentioned here.. (。^‿^✿)

    weed March 10, 2017 11:33 am

    I really like your post , that what I want to say

    KyoZaNa✿ March 10, 2017 11:39 am
    I really like your post , that what I want to say weed

    OMG You made my day. Thank you~♡

    weed March 10, 2017 12:52 pm
    OMG You made my day. Thank you~♡ KyoZaNa✿

    also your list of manga , almost everyday I look and find some for read there (y)