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2 stars

Yuanyuanyuan January 23, 2021 12:17 am

2 stars in consideration for the second story. Yeah, the second one is twisted yet I liked it. I liked the twist in the end.
The first story was fine in the beginning. Until the climax came and it puzzled me. It doesn't make sense at all. Maybe I'm the only one who didn't get it but really, I cannot make a logical reason out of it.
The last one was a bit too violent for me. Kidnnapping the girlfriend of your twin brother, having her raped by a gang, and throwing her naked off the street after. Like, WTF is wrong with you?! Then, you're going to tell me you loved me? Yeah, the rich twin had his sob story as everyone else does, but it doesn't give him the right to ruin others' most especially his twin brother.
IMO, the last story is a one-sided affair. The rich loved the poor twin more. The poor twin looked like he was scared to separate but did not feel any romantic thingy to his twin.
Meh. Poor girl. The rich twin even wanted to obliterate everyone surrounding the poor twin. He's so selfish and cruel.
Gahhh (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
