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Passive Aggressive Truth

Julian A. Stephen January 25, 2021 12:48 pm

Shoujo manga is like magic. I like how it's make even the most unethical things seem all sweet and fluffy. It's like this is the legit way to get underage girls and all the legal shit is only there as a romantic obstacle you need to overcome in order for your love to grow, not to stop kids from making mistakes, stop predators and the ever rising number of teen moms.
And the fact that he could keep his job afterwards...Oh. That's just sweet.

(PS: I have absolutely nothing agaist couples with large age gap. Nor do I deny that there are some mature, savvy and clearheaded kids out there who can make good life decisions for their future, like marriage and planning their family and jobs in their teens, even more than some adults. But, the female lead was none of the above. She is just a mess.)
