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Ifuknowmeudont created a topic of Dirty High

Hum, guys… I don’t know if u remember but are in the middle of street.. I’d die of embarrassment

I swear to fucking god if something bad happens after all of what I’ve read I’m gonna lose it

Bro this is so sweet but I hope nothing bad happens bc it’s always like this

Ifuknowmeudont created a topic of Lucky Paradise

Those last 2 phrases were something

Ifuknowmeudont created a topic of High Clear

Wait but it said to be continued

Ifuknowmeudont created a topic of Home

Brother ew, what’s that brother?! This man makes me furious

Bro i understand him, he knows that his boyfriend didn’t do anything wrong but got jealous and probably couldn’t speak his mind bc he didn’t understand why he got so mad but i think it was just jealousy and insecurity. The look good together

Ifuknowmeudont created a topic of High Clear
Ifuknowmeudont created a topic of Ang Ang

It’s the second time I’m reading this and I didn’t remember that it was supposed to have another season.. I don’t think that they are going to post s4 :(

Ifuknowmeudont created a topic of Gig of the Day

Bitch let the kid be, you’re tiring ” him and not in a good way

Ifuknowmeudont created a topic of ARTS MANZ

I stopped reading love or hate bc the main ended up with his “step brother”(the art was beautiful what a shame), and I’ll do exact same thing here if it goes through the same path..

If he loses a leg he can walk with his d1ck bc damn, I don’t think that’s a normal size

Wow Ik it’s bc this a slow burn but damn they are a little dumb

Ifuknowmeudont created a topic of Did It Work

I- is it me or this episode was so little but also they brushed the coming out scene so quickly that it was like it wasn’t important. I mean maybe it’s just me but oh well

Ifuknowmeudont created a topic of Backlight

Nah, what kind of bs is this?

Ifuknowmeudont created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Until this last chapter I was stressing sooo much bc of the story but I’m so happy that things are getting better

Ifuknowmeudont created a topic of Lucky Paradise

Wtf do u guys mean “over a butt slap?!” Like YES OVER A BUTT SLAP. If I’m dating someone I hope no one touches them, especially on the butt

Ifuknowmeudont created a topic of Jinx