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Ifuknowmeudont created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

I’m dumb for believing that they could stay together in this moment… looks like we’ll have to suffer before that happens

Ifuknowmeudont created a topic of My Suha

I’m just going to finish this bc I’ve read this far and I know I’ll be dying to know how this ended but this story is really messed up bro. This kind of situation are so common in mangas, r4pe, toxic personalities, and etc and sometimes I wonder what kind of idea this authors have of gay/bi men, I’ve only seen 1 or 2 mangas that didn’t have this fucked up situations and really shitty characters, like, with normal love stories.

Ifuknowmeudont created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome

Oh dear author, dear artist, I’m begging you to let this two be happy together and let the man not have the same situation happening to him

Ifuknowmeudont created a topic of Stay With Me

Damn… some of this characters don’t know the meaning of the word communication and it infuriates me. That man just confessed, in different words, that he trusts you and you say that bs? But yeah, it might be hard, I mean to explain his background he would have to go through the traumatic parts sooo idk anymore

Ifuknowmeudont created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

The sign on his belly during their lovely night… doesn’t that mean his pregnant?

Ifuknowmeudont created a topic of My Suha

Red haired guy really got me crying for what happened to him.. I used to hate him, not anymore.. I just feel bad.

Ifuknowmeudont created a topic of Guilty Affection

I think he already knows who was it or will find eventually bc it really easy, it’s the other guys obviously (the black haired one) he isn’t affected by his powers and has the “power” to access those files so Yha

Ifuknowmeudont created a topic of Delivery Complete

The glass on the shower are making me so confused… like who the hell uses their glasses during shower?

Ifuknowmeudont created a topic of Guilty Affection

Bro every time a story gets me excited it’s also makes me fuckinh anxious and nervous. This one is going to k1ll me bc of stress

Ifuknowmeudont created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Geez I totally forgot this was kind of flashback and if it wasn’t for one of the comments I wouldn’t remember that this is not gonna end well.. time to prepare the heart

Ifuknowmeudont created a topic of My Suha

Honestly, I know red hair is a bastard but knowing what happened to him made me feel horrible. Yes, ik this is not a real person, but knowing what happened (bc I couldn’t read it) and understanding what he feels made me less angry at him. Even tho I skipped chapter 134, I cried so much and I still feel so bad, no matter how bad people are no one deserves that shit bro.

Ifuknowmeudont created a topic of Heart Racer

I feel like there’s gaps in the plot, don’t get me wrong, the art is amazing and this seems interesting but sometimes it seems like it’s missing parts