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Kittyxx December 17, 2020 9:09 pm

When one person says stop, that's what it means. If the other person doesn't stop, it's rape. Why is it that such behaviour is always represented as a norm, romance, love? I'm sick of seeing the promotion of toxic compounds and that's how

    Chi December 17, 2020 9:15 pm

    I remember one time that an uke said "if I say stop, you shouldn't stop" since a seme stopped when the uke said so while they were having sex :)

    Astrid December 17, 2020 9:20 pm

    I both agree with you and disagree. I think it always depends on your partner, and what you have communicated before the s*x. Some like saying no in bed, and therefore have a safeword to actually stop - though I do agree in this case that they don't know each other well enough for him to just keep on going, even if it seemed like Eun Gyeom wanted him too continue, he didn't have the grounds to fully know that yet (though the "top" was very drunk, and that may have caused him to have a hard time differenting between a playful no and a real no, despite that not being a valid excuse)(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Syrupy Pancake December 17, 2020 9:26 pm

    Definitely but for this one is say it was consented to (I'm refering to the sex in the most recent chapters), I'm only saying this because it seems as though when he kissed him back in before the transition to sex he was ok with having sex. I do agree that it's rape if someone says stop so he should have stopped, but I don't know if that was Blondie saying that he needs a break or that he didnt want to have sex, also one of them was once again drunk so that makes it iffy.

    HarleyQRaven December 17, 2020 10:11 pm

    When the Uke was drunk everyone was saying its rape. Well now the Seme is drunk and the Uke clearly placed his very sober self into a situation with a drunk man. So how was the Seme still
    the only one wrong here when the Uke took advantage of Seme saying he wanted to embarass then kissed him. While I agree that no means no....if you are sober and decide to play games with someone who isn't fully coherent (drunk or on drugs)..when does accountability come into play for their own actions? That finger can easily be pointed back for taking advantage of a drunk person. I'd like to add though..its a gray area in this case as they had sex many many times at this point and the Uke was exhausted. Seme was still drunk though

    Chi December 18, 2020 1:41 am

    Plus, the uke says "stop" because he's exhausted, not because he hates or doesn't want to have sex anymore soooo

    Syrupy Pancake December 18, 2020 3:20 am
    Plus, the uke says "stop" because he's exhausted, not because he hates or doesn't want to have sex anymore soooo Chi

    He says "stop" because he is exhausted and does not want to have sex anymore ( ̄∇ ̄")

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