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DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of Steel Under Silk

I do want to see him get revenge but man it is going to be very bittersweet with whatever outcome this story has cuz idk if they will get a decent one as a pair. Also I know I've said this before but I absolutely love how they've decided to translate this story. Most historical stories don't get such a translation where as you read it's just like, yup this was way back in the day lol.

Now THESE are the type of side stories I like to see, this is absolutely adorable and I hope we see him with the big belly and then the baby with the two daddies. That first side story I'd rather forget it even exists cuz seriously why the fuck

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of Report My Boss

It's this artist how could I have not noticed! Also throw that nasty ass customer out and ban them from that place wtf

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of Flip the script

Nah that last panel, it's more like the brother always had succession in mind and wanted his frail pathetic little brother to stay that way, to even be stupid with the whole don't study thing. Man I hope he has a happy ending where he can send all of them to hell cuz fuck them. As for ML, I hope he falls in love with him soon cuz baby boy just wants real affection

No not this series... someone quick put placeholders please

The way I had to reread the first volume for nothing but pure enjoyment. Such a great little series, and volume 2 had me in tears in almost every chapter, especially with Subaru and his mother. Now we need a third volume for the wedding ceremony and seeing the happily married couple together and the parents meeting etc.

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of Cozy Obsession

I don't know what the original word was, maybe guy or dude? But they really translated it as bloke and that just made me chuckle. Also I read some spoilers on here and it seems the second half of the story becomes a mess, and knowing most of the readers of the novel said it lost is potential is a shame. I'm gonna keep reading but that's just...

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of In The Deep

Wait did he turn into whatever his brother is too? Like I'm positive he's a vampire but all he's been doing is sucking his blood in this chapter, in most of not all the vampire stories I read usually they have to drink the blood from a vampire in order to change? Tho again not really sure what the hell MC really is

Nice job on the amount of placeholders lol. It's a perfect idea so the stupid bots don't fuck up this series like they have many others

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of Flip the script

Weird like 3 pages or panels aren't loading. Also I just knew this would happen, the grandfather reacting that way, of course to keep the psychotic brother wanting to murder him. Also his parents are messed up, that is his biological mother right?

Someone should put up fake chapters as a placeholder for the group so shit like this doesn't happen

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of LOVE ME AGAIN

It's weird that season 2 has already started but for some reason the eng tl hasn't continued? Usually they don't take this long to get started on a new season once it's already begun.

The art style is great and the story is intriguing. I find it fascinating how in some chapters we're getting the POV from third parties, from the two women who work with the mc and ml and now the mother. It's interesting reading their perspectives and from the mom just seeing a bit of mc's past, now I'm curious as to why the father who decided to adopt him is telling his wife to stay away from their son.

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of Like Flowing Water

These two chapters just made everything even more interesting. It's such a shame that the story seems to be on an indefinite hiatus. I think there's like two other BL manhwas I've read before that also went on a "hiatus" but it's been a few years since they updated. I'm even following one of the artists on twitter and they never mentioned anything about continuing their series... I'd wish they would just announce the fact the series was canceled so fans wouldn't be left wondering.

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of My sweet dear

No but I knew she was sus, seriously what a bitch. Don't like using that word often for women but man she deserves it cuz without the chef that restaurant would be nothing.

That side story was completely unnecessary, if the author wanted to show him with Minhyuk I would've understood if that was the What If?.. story, the two being together instead but this nonsense and then at the end claiming another man came in to fuck him like wtf

Is it me or the chapter was only slightly off this chapter? Which is odd since it's an official tl, anyways I'm loving this story and I saw the raws and well let me just say the guys end up getting cozy in a dark space later lol.

On the novel, but the website I was reading on only went up to a certain chapter. But seeing the comments... now what was the reason for taking away those lines??? I mean so far I haven't seen complaints of the manhwa doing this so why now? I highly doubt it was the artist's choice to do so, so whoever is in charge of the story part of the manhwa adaptation... damn you *shakes fist*

His little bird form is adorable Very curious to see how this manhwa goes and how he'll change into a human since well this is a BL lol

DrunkFujoshi94 created a topic of Rocket Science Love

By continuing this manhwa when I already read the novel spoilers lol. This is one of the very rare times where I sincerely hope the manhwa changes a lot of things and doesn't follow the novel down to the last detail. Like please the art style is too good just to see poor guy suffer even when the love becomes "mutual". Han Jei is a piece of shit and I honestly wish Minwoo would be end game. It happened once before in a BL manhwa I read years ago where the second ML (tho it was the MC's crush) was endgame tho with that manhwa it actually pissed me off cuz ML was a total sweetheart. My point being, if it happened once in a story it can happen again gdi