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mai February 15, 2021 10:59 am

raw novel?

mai November 1, 2020 1:26 pm

people says they look like athy and claude but idk why but the art somehow reminds me of daughter of the emperor. i didn't say it was similar, its just the art reminds me

mai October 23, 2020 7:36 am

if the emperor is the ml then no thanks, how could anyone love the person who killed you and your family just because he have the tragic past, it doesn't justify his actions *insert clown emoji*

    Llola October 24, 2020 7:34 am

    you boutta be real disappointed then

    comments below are saying he is, im not reading it either I mean another shitty ml cmon :/

mai October 20, 2020 3:31 am

i thought the father was similar to claude before reading the story but no claude had a reason to be cold but that father is a jerk and he doesn't deserve his sweet daughter periodt.

mai October 14, 2020 5:04 am

heyy i reread this manhwa again and made me wonder.. why did claude kept portrait of jennette's mother?

    God Of Unknown October 14, 2020 5:11 am

    He probably didn’t personally keep it, but if she was part of the royal family they probabilidad had a portrait to represent her. What chapter was this?

    mai October 14, 2020 5:17 am
    He probably didn’t personally keep it, but if she was part of the royal family they probabilidad had a portrait to represent her. What chapter was this? God Of Unknown

    at chapter 11 athy found her portrait in claude's room but maybe you're right he didn't personaly kept it i guess.... or knowing claude he doesn't even know it was there

    God Of Unknown October 14, 2020 5:26 am
    at chapter 11 athy found her portrait in claude's room but maybe you're right he didn't personaly kept it i guess.... or knowing claude he doesn't even know it was there mai

    It’s is super sus, but there’s are a bunch of other portraits so I’m sticking with my first guess and assuming he still keeps the broken portrait to remember his hatred for her....... is what I’m gonna assume with no facts to back that claim. Hopefully someone will correct us(me)....

    FullMetal8itch October 15, 2020 6:55 am

    Its broken tho so maybe there are circumstances he cant help

mai September 16, 2020 6:51 pm

i already read the novel before and literally dropped this novel after reading the half.
one, because there was no end game. it was a reverse harem( ̄へ ̄)and some thing happened in the story and i really hated it

    Nkiyel September 16, 2020 7:20 pm

    Care to elaborate mah dude? Spoil meeeee

    queen20 September 16, 2020 7:35 pm
    Care to elaborate mah dude? Spoil meeeee Nkiyel


    mai September 16, 2020 8:23 pm
    Care to elaborate mah dude? Spoil meeeee Nkiyel

    -spoiler i guess.. although i couldn't spoil everything since i only read half of the story.


    maybe some will like it but cecilla and kaiser's engagement will be broken at the half of the story. but i really hated it because i shipped her with the prince :((

    that happened because the 2nd prince, Leon (kaiser's brother and he is also a game character) went yandere with her and literally hid her for like a month if i remembered it right. his goal was to take her all to himself and make the kaiser and cecillia's engagement invalid. cecillia didn't know this but in engagement, if either one went missing for more than half a year the engagement will be invalid. and since kaiser is a crown prince he had no choice but to look for a new fiance when that happens he planned to marry cecillia right away so no one could take her.

    but that didn't happen because cecillia found a hole in the room and escaped. Nina the game heroine first found her (even the heroine loves her). after cecillia calmed down, she immediately visited the king but she hid that she was locked to protect the 2nd prince and told the king that she was gone because she didn't want to be kaiser's fiance and she even asked for her position as a duke's daughter to be taken away. however, 2nd prince didn't want that so he admitted that he hid her deep inside his room.

    after king found out what really happened, he felt sorry to the girl because that was the second time someone went crazy with her, at first, the prince of the neighbor country literally kidnapped her (he is also a game character) and almost tried to make her his wife. right soon after she was rescued the 2nd prince hid her.

    so the king allowed cecillia to break the engagement to give the game characters a chance to fight for her love equally. and that ends the half of the story.

    and that's the time i became curious who would she end up so i skipped to the end of the novel only to find out it was a reverse harem. :((

    queen20 September 16, 2020 9:03 pm
    -spoiler i guess.. although i couldn't spoil everything since i only read half of the story. ---------------maybe some will like it but cecilla and kaiser's engagement will be broken at the half of the story.... mai

    so she is an idiot with a stolkholm syndrom if i was her i would tell on the 2nd prince so he would be banished
    but seriously why does everyone fall in live with her doesn’t make sence at all
    and really i was rooting for the crown prince too but for her to have others fight for her hand is too much

    zapphire September 16, 2020 9:25 pm
    -spoiler i guess.. although i couldn't spoil everything since i only read half of the story. ---------------maybe some will like it but cecilla and kaiser's engagement will be broken at the half of the story.... mai

    So my suspicions that this would go the bakarina route were correct ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ. It was kind of hinting from just the first 2 chapters that she would be dense af and would gather a reverse harem for herself and am glad that her harem includes the heroine, and possibly, other girls as well.ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    Nkiyel September 16, 2020 10:22 pm
    -spoiler i guess.. although i couldn't spoil everything since i only read half of the story. ---------------maybe some will like it but cecilla and kaiser's engagement will be broken at the half of the story.... mai

    Dayummm . I am officially dropping this then. I was somehow expecting that she'd end up with someone or that it may also end up like bakarina but in a mild, fluffy way. But this is just lazy writing hahaha. No offense to the avid fans but the plot is stupid. Like the others said how do they all become strongly attracted to her. And the yandere characters are toxic and not the adorable type of overly jealous guys.
    Thank you for taking your time to explain. Much appreciated

    Nkiyel September 16, 2020 10:24 pm
    Dayummm . I am officially dropping this then. I was somehow expecting that she'd end up with someone or that it may also end up like bakarina but in a mild, fluffy way. But this is just lazy writing hahaha. No ... Nkiyel

    P.s. the fl also has a weak appeal not the dense but independent and with a strong character.

    SweetPatata September 16, 2020 10:31 pm

    Hey where can I read the novel? can you give the link please?

    mai September 16, 2020 10:59 pm
    Hey where can I read the novel? can you give the link please? SweetPatata

    it's in japanese though but here you go

    Minnie September 16, 2020 11:40 pm

    helloo !! can i ask where did you read the nove

    Minnie September 16, 2020 11:41 pm
    helloo !! can i ask where did you read the nove Minnie


mai August 24, 2020 3:37 am

raw have 50 chapters and its not even half way translated.. welp time to learn korean

    LeenAnanz August 26, 2020 1:34 pm

    Really I must learn Korean in this life

    Moe August 26, 2020 2:14 pm

    Any raws

    Redz August 26, 2020 3:14 pm
    Really I must learn Korean in this lifeI CAN BE THAT PERSON WHO SPOILS MANHUAS THEN LeenAnanz

    you probably should know that i always thinks like that every time i saw raw but never understand a thing that it says and i just can't understand korea words at all

mai August 11, 2020 5:14 am

seeing FL sad is highkey satisfying

mai August 3, 2020 11:49 am

should i read this or not? :(( is this story good? :((

    Vivi August 3, 2020 1:10 pm

    the story is wonderful, but let your mind open and don't judge character from the start. But it's a good story with a strong female character! I don't particularly enjoy how she behaves with the male characters, but it's ok

    nobile August 3, 2020 2:55 pm

    It's a good story, I read the novel already after I read some spoilers here.
    The key thing about this story, I believe, is that people are a result of their experiences. And the moment Tia went back in time, she changed what everyone around her experienced, so they all were able to become different selves from her past timeline.

    nobile August 3, 2020 3:09 pm

    I could explain why things happened the way they did in the past timeline that made me be a bit more understanding of the situation, but it would be very spoiler-heavy.

    Like @Vivi said, keep your mind open, or not and avoid reading it. I personally feel like I gained from keeping an open mind and continuing to read, despite really hating Ruve in the previous timeline. But no one is forcing anyone :)

    ritu August 3, 2020 3:31 pm
    the story is wonderful, but let your mind open and don't judge character from the start. But it's a good story with a strong female character! I don't particularly enjoy how she behaves with the male characters... Vivi

    i like your opinion. i also kind of don't like tia because i have read the novel already. we have to endure more. Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

    Dimension Breaker August 4, 2020 1:17 am

    Not worth it. Don't bother.
    She didn't changed her fate of becoming an empress and in the end she still became the puppet of her world's terrible god. She's not a strong female character either she didn't stick with her conviction.

    nobile August 5, 2020 2:28 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! PochiMochi26

    She was the firs Empress to both be the leader of her house and Empress at the same time! How is that not pioneering? She paved the way for her children to become not just the next Sun but also the next leader of the Monique household.

    nobile August 5, 2020 7:32 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! PochiMochi26

    Yeah, I honestly thought the story was great. It portrayed the characters as they all changed from their own interactions.
    Like you said, in the previous timeline she just let things happen to her, after she went back in time she was able to take control of her life and decide what she did with it.

    Dimension Breaker August 6, 2020 3:35 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! PochiMochi26

    what a lame excuse.
    After all the careful guidance he royal family had with the shit prince, he still got drugged and without anyone noticing it? Isn't he quite stupid for trusting the duke after all the teaching he had. Lmao
    He's now attracted to the emotional Tia but the 1st TL he didn't because she acted mature. Quite pathetic dont you think? He should have known that you dont show ur emotions easily since he's royalty himself.
    Where does being emotional like Tia's mother did end up? Oh right she's dead lol. And Tia's father being taught in emotions is still alive. The end looks like she will become the empress, what a shame, she still became the puppet of her world's terrible god.

    Dimension Breaker August 6, 2020 3:41 am
    Yeah, I honestly thought the story was great. It portrayed the characters as they all changed from their own interactions.Like you said, in the previous timeline she just let things happen to her, after she we... nobile

    There are quite a lot of problem with the basic plot and characters set-up and development.

    What the is the difference in the 2-nd timeline that make the Crown prince (CP) a “wise ruler”, while he is basically a f*ck-up douchebag (well, more like loser) in the 1-st timeline. In the 1-st timeline, he trust the Duke Jena – the head of the noble fraction like a fool (and then casted away Duke Lars and Verita of the pro-emperor fraction). After a few years of work he ended up alone with no one to trust. Doesn’t that mean he is quite stupid? (How can an intelligent prince, who read so much, work so much with a father guidance end up like that? – the poison does mess up his temper and emotion, but not his rational thinking ability). Then, miraculously, that same stupid, narrow-mind dude become a wise, clever, decisive ruler in the 2-nd timeline. Because of what? Because he stopped envying Aristia? What a joke.

    Second, what made Aristia love the CP in the 1st timeline? How can a clever, perfect, emotional girl (as everyone said) love a stupid dude who hated her???? Has he ever done something for her to make her love him that much? Yeah I understand that she has lived her whole life as his fiancé, but doesn't real love requires a real interaction? At least a smile, a favor or something of the sort.

    Third, it doesn’t make sense to me that her father didn’t save her life, as well as meet her before, or even during her execution.

    And many many more strange thing that don’t make any sense but to make the story more dramatic, more pathetic for Aristia in the 1-st timeline.

    Aristia: despite her vow that she won’t love the CP and that she will inherit the family and all, the whole story is about her getting scared, getting upset, going back and forth between loving him or not, be with him or not, and other... Also, she can easily forget her friends. Why do I say so? She basically forgets about Allendis and Carssein when they don’t come to her =)))). Doesn’t that kind of made her a b*tch LOL.

    Aristia’s dad: he loved his wife enough to ignore his family legacy, but was super calm knowing Aristia was poisoned LOL. He loves his daughter the most, he wants her to do the thing she wants, but didn’t try to break off the engagement when she said so (I can’t see his action as trying, especially after the old emperor died), also she said she wants to inherit the family, but he doesn’t want her to do so.

    Dimension Breaker August 6, 2020 6:30 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! PochiMochi26

    that still doesn't change the fact that she became an empress based on the prophecy.

    Dimension Breaker August 6, 2020 6:33 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! PochiMochi26

    it made me drop the novel because of her treatment of Carsein that made me dislike her. Not because she didn't choose him, but because she clearly took him for granted and forgot about him when she was too busy being lovey-dovey. Even Carsein realized it and told her that he was sad she didn't came to check up on him after he was injured. He turned it into a joke of forgave her, but still... Girl, he is your precious childhood friend and one of the rare person who truly have your back. The least you can do is worrying about him without having to be told to.

    nobile August 7, 2020 1:27 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! PochiMochi26

    Yeah, I liked both Sein and Allen, at least Sein found someone he loves and moved on. I feel really sad that the author made Allen foolishly stuck on Tia, unable to move on from her :/

    nobile August 7, 2020 1:32 pm
    it made me drop the novel because of her treatment of Carsein that made me dislike her. Not because she didn't choose him, but because she clearly took him for granted and forgot about him when she was too busy... Dimension Breaker

    Yea, she definitely made him a foul that time.

    While I don't *hate* Tia, I do agree he deserved to be with someone who loved him the same way he loves her, and appreciated him and valued him the same way. I'm glad he found that someone and was able to move on from Tia. If anything, it would've been nice to get a side story of him being all lovey dovey with his wife or how he fell for her and stuff, it would definitely help readers see that he's better off.

mai August 2, 2020 2:23 am

im glad athy only remembers her 1st life only as a novel, if shes going to remember everything i think it would be really painful for her ╥﹏╥ imagine being athy who were unlucky on her 1st and 2nd life i just feel bad for her ╥﹏╥ and her 3rd life she needs to worry about surving because she still believes that jennette is the protagonist and when things got better with claude he lost his memory ╥﹏╥ i just wish claude recovers his memory soon and i want everyone especially athy to be happy

    Pianogrl August 3, 2020 12:50 am

    Holy sh*t you just blew my mind. Somehow I never connected the pieces!? So you’re saying that those flash backs she sees from time to time are previous lives she lived as Athy?! But she remembers it as a novel I guess as a subconscious way of protecting herself. Oh. My. God. Sksjdksjwl LUCAS KNOWS THIS TOO. AGH LIKE I NEEDED ANOTHER REASON TO BE DESPERATE FOR MORE CHAPTERS. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    bluemin August 4, 2020 7:51 am

    Actually how did she remember the scene where the maids were talking about Claude being cursed, then there's a scene where Claude had a severe headache while calling Zenith. After that suddenly Anastasius came to take his throne back

    I mean the Lovely Princess novel didn't mention about that. Also Athy was already dead that time

    mai August 4, 2020 8:14 am
    Actually how did she remember the scene where the maids were talking about Claude being cursed, then there's a scene where Claude had a severe headache while calling Zenith. After that suddenly Anastasius came ... bluemin

    wait you're right, idk maybe novel did mention it? or maybe her magic collected the scene? im not sure :((

    mai August 4, 2020 8:15 am
    Holy sh*t you just blew my mind. Somehow I never connected the pieces!? So you’re saying that those flash backs she sees from time to time are previous lives she lived as Athy?! But she remembers it as a nove... Pianogrl

    i was surprised too when someone else mentioned it ^^

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