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Tai March 3, 2021 9:17 pm

how you all gonna say they are in a "toxic" relationship when they arent even in any kind of relationship? lol. they arent even friends atm. giving a blow job to a guy you find hot isnt a relationship. just like having casual sex with someone isnt a relationship unless u decide to make into an arrangement where ur regular fuck buddies and even then its only exclusive if u first make an agreement that it is.
Like also i'm not going ot talk about how yall are going overboard on calling taehwan an asshole for what was frankly mild dirty talk but rather the way yall are erasing Yeonwoo's desires and feelings in order to victimize him. like its fine if Taehwan's persona or the way he was talking is offputting to you personally. thats ok! but it doesnt mean that yeonwoo is being abused or used or mistreated. Yeonwoo is a masochist! he has a degradation/humiliation kink! thats a legit kink and taehwan just saying to yeonwoo that he's horny/slutty/needy/perverted/dirty etc is about the mildest form of degrading language (for sex acts) that exists. the entire chpt we SEE yeonwoo's thoughts and he's not only thrilled he's enjoying this act. obviously its not great that he feels like he cant get as into it as he wants without like repulsing taehwan. the only problem here is that taehwan is allowing this to happen under the guise of embarassing yeonwoo not fully aware that yeonwoo likes that but he doesnt force or coerce yeonwoo into it. yeonwoo Wants it. whether you think yeonwoo should want or like this kind of sex is i guess a personal preference? but just cause YOU personally dont have this kink doesnt mean its abuse! let Yeonwoo have fun dammit! he doesnt need taehwan to say "i love and accept you" before sucking his dick. some people need alot of emotional support during sex and thats fine but alot of people Dont or in fact prefer the opposite. yall just open your minds a bit more or this series will just be unpleasant to you (and that's a shame cause their sex is genuinely hot and consensual and only mildly kinky so even baby kinksters can enjoy it!)

    jeans fat horse cock March 3, 2021 9:23 pm

    EXACTLY !!

    ThiThi March 3, 2021 9:28 pm

    I think you are looking only from the perspective of the UKE, yes he can be a submissive pervert etc. BUT the older brother does not do it like kinking, that is not a scene game... he is really discounting frustration in the UKE and using sex as a way to hurt someone to feel better. it is not to satisfy the perverted UKE, but to stop the internal anger he has about himself. This dynamic that bothers some people and not the fetish itself.

    NoBeans March 3, 2021 9:42 pm

    gad damn i was not expecting a whole paragraph but facts LOL

    Heyyyy March 3, 2021 9:44 pm

    There snow flakes ignore them lmao

    Tai March 3, 2021 9:53 pm
    I think you are looking only from the perspective of the UKE, yes he can be a submissive pervert etc. BUT the older brother does not do it like kinking, that is not a scene game... he is really discounting frus... ThiThi

    please use his name, i used his name u cant tell me you already forgot it. he's not using it to hurt yeonwoo, saying you want to "mess someone up" and "make them cry" and then do it via a blowjob versus just punching him in the face or insulting him WITHOUT involving sex is very different connotations. you can feel that about someone you like and it isnt necessarily a violent or bad thing (if the person enjoys those things being done to them and alot of people do!)
    i know what u are trying to say but also we have no evidence that taehwan is a gay man in denial. and yall continue to discount the fact that he might be bisexual as well. im not saying taehwan isnt/cant be gay but that there's a ton of reasons he can be angry at yeonwoo that dont spawn from (or only from) self loathing or homophobia. and i wish more people would consider that option. and i know what ur saying but alot of people are not even considering the fetish aspect. they are wholeheartedly discounting it as abuse. not "this scene feels icky to me cause i cant tell if taehwan is doing this with ill intent or not" i think its fair to say that taehwan isnt doing this with the intent to pleasure yeonwoo but i disagree that his ONLY intent is to hurt yeonwoo when there's plenty of ways to do that which do NOT involve making yeonwoo give him head. and thats how i feel about that.

    ThiThi March 3, 2021 10:17 pm
    please use his name, i used his name u cant tell me you already forgot it. he's not using it to hurt yeonwoo, saying you want to "mess someone up" and "make them cry" and then do it via a blowjob versus just pu... Tai

    again it's not about the fetish !!! the older brother (sorry I couldn't resist doing it again) doesn't like the UKE, he treated him with rubbish before, told him to disappear from his life, ignores him and threatens him... there is no lust, love or feelings and he is doing it to diminish / humiliate / belittle the UKE... if he is not gay, bi or has no problems with himself he at least hates the UKE. it's not about fetish but hate and violence that goes beyond the moments of sex

    Tai March 3, 2021 11:05 pm
    again it's not about the fetish !!! the older brother (sorry I couldn't resist doing it again) doesn't like the UKE, he treated him with rubbish before, told him to disappear from his life, ignores him and thre... ThiThi

    there is clearly lust from taehwan or he wouldnt do it? why would he go straight to "Suck my dick" and not just kick yeonwoo or call him a Piece of Shit and bounce? Also he dislikes yeonwoo for a legitimate reason. a person taehwan considered a friend assaulted him in his sleep. obv the healthy response wouldve been to talk to or even yell at yeonwoo at the time rather than hold a years long grudge but That's why he's cold to yeonwoo not cause he thinks yeonwoo is lesser than him in some way. its more complicated than that.
    my interpretation and this can vary from person to person is that he has latent feelings for yeonwoo still or he wouldnt still feel so angry about something that happened a while ago. he would just ignore yeonwoo completely at worst rather than act out this way. He could've just walked out that door but yeonwoo said something that got under his skin and he also felt desire towards yeonwoo but cant rly process it right now so he impulsively said suck my dick (and then gave yeonwoo an out by saying "u don thave to w/e") which allows taehwan to maintain a sense of control and power during the act, but also...his thought process is very sexually motivated? i said it before "i want to mess him up/make him cry" isnt inherently a horrible thing to think and is often based in lust/desire etc. and to be clear, im not saying taehwan is an angel who cant be criticized or isnt being callous but I AM saying he's being criticized based on some very narrow reductive views on sex/desire/love etc and also doesnt reflect whats actually shown to us in the story. and also this read invalidates YEONWOO'S agency. (idc if you use an epithet instead of his name what annoys me is that u can only define him by his sexual position, maybe thats part of the problem here?) in pursuing this no strings relationship with taehwan (this isnt the start of it tho it is the catalyst). but taehwan's desires will become more clear in the chpt next week (tho imo they are present here, next week will make it even more obvious...i hope. some of yall are so dense it may still not be enough lol)

Mery February 4, 2021 4:34 am

YAAAAAS. I was SO fuckin thrilled when i saw this on lezhin kr and was dying for it to appear on lezhin eng and IT FINALLY DID! but damn yall fast it appeared not even a few hours ago and its alrdy on here lol. i love this author so much i'll prob buy a few chpts even when they end up here. i just love her art, her writing, her everything. also one of the MCs is broooown he so brown oh gurl yas a brown vampire we love 2 see it im so excited yall (and another entry for my Tan Hotties and Cuties list)

    Photaku February 5, 2021 1:45 am

    I bought it instead of reading it on here. I loved "Like a Tidal Wave" so I thought "why not". Also, I love the roughness of the art! Its so pretty! And though I have my own set backs about it, it was a better start than I expected! (I actually thought about messaging you about this lol)

    Mery February 5, 2021 3:17 am
    I bought it instead of reading it on here. I loved "Like a Tidal Wave" so I thought "why not". Also, I love the roughness of the art! Its so pretty! And though I have my own set backs about it, it was a better ... Photaku

    yes the correct choice! and u can PM me about good comics anytime sis <3 (but i check lezhin every single day so i usually see things right away). oh btw i decided to check out My Suha again and it is actually less boring once it gets going i dont have time to read through it properly but i gave it a skim and it def gets more intense later on. (not crazy about that cliffhanger for the season but its prob just a misdirect lol)

Mery January 29, 2021 5:13 am

For People who are confused about the timeline. the part we see in chpt 66 (the official start of season 2) is NOT the present. it is a flash FORWARD. it is a glimpse at what will happen in the near future. the CURRENT timeline is the one with the white background and picks up where we left off in s1. there is some minor backtracking to previous events from yeonwoo's pov and sometimes taehwan's pov. it fills in the gaps where they were offscreen back in the final stretch of s1. the important things to know going into s2 is p much everything that happens when taehwan returns to america and makes his official entrance into the story. this happens in chpt 45, i HIGHLY recommend reading chpts 45-65 if you are confused about the timeline s2 exists in. if you've alrdy read them, just re read them, trust me it will help. anytime u see panels that have black backgrounds it is either a flashback or like in chpt 66, a flash forward. it is Not the "present". reading from the Taehwan Returns arc is where the Shared timelines in S1 and 2 overlap. more importantly it gives important forshadowing and insight into taehwan (and yeonwoo's understanding of him) going forward. which if u read s1 back when it first came out you may have forgotten or not paid attention to since im sure alot of us didnt know yeonwoo would be a big character in s2 (or that he'd hook up with taehwan). Anyway, i hope this helps. altho its the 29th in SK right now, the new chpt isnt up on bomtoon yet. i will be providing the raw links when they do. if u want the link alrdy available it is linked all throughout this comment section. feel free ot look for it its not hard 2 find.

Tai January 10, 2021 8:09 pm

ITS NOT A SHOE ITS A GUN YOU FOOLS YOU ABSOLUTE BUFFOONS (he's a gangster who carries firearms so she shoves a gun in his ass! its all about Theeeemes)

    MissV January 11, 2021 10:47 pm

    That is what I thought, although it did look like a boot for a bit

Tai January 7, 2021 4:21 am

as much as that backstory for sungha Explains doesnt rly explain why his form of "revenge" on sooin for like existing basically lasted for SO many years? like...he p much planned to keep sooin as a idk sex slave even after he got married? idk what the author is trying to pull with this. this would be a good "reasoning" for sungha bullying and beating sooin all thru highschool and then ignoring him after. how in the world did he manage to make sooin so reliant on him and literally trap him in the house for what seemed like years just 1. cause of his daddy/mommy issues and 2. how did he trick sooin into becoming so vulnerable and have literally no other support system? (like does sooin have a family and if not why?). idk i hope there's more to this story cause if we're gonna go into the abuser's tragical backstory then i want to know how things got where they got to. cause from the looks of it Sooin knew he was rejected early on. i thought it was more subtle with him manipulating Sooin into being in a relationship and slowly but surely eroding his self confidence and isolating him and THEN graduating into physical violence and rape. the way this plays out. he was beating and crusing at sooin from the start. i know he lost his shit at sooin after the initial "confession" cause we saw that from sooin's pov. but never how he and sungha went from That point to being in a relationship toxic or otherwise. also is this intentional from the author or are am I supposed to believe that sungha isnt partially so furious cause he ALSO had feelings for Sooin but refused to acknoweldge that and decided to blame it all on Sooin for being a seductive harlot or smth or tricking sungha into liking him. THAT woulda made more sense in terms of making him want to crush Sooin for years esp if it made him question his sexuality or he was unable to feel things for others cause of his attachment to Sooin but he refuses to allow himself to love Sooin or "forgive" Sooin for "tempting" him so he goes on that whole years long convoluted revenge plot of a relationship with Sooin. but..that's not what redhead's monologue said so...either HE doesnt know that or the author is holding off on that reveal or maybe I'm putting more thought into this psycho bastard's motivations than the author is ? lol. anyway, if this is all we were gonna learn about sungha's reason for being an evil fucker then im gonna have to say Pass. tbh. (like i wont feel bad for him no matter what his reasons are but as far as reasons go? this was kinda lame. ya his mom killed herself but firstly her killing herself without first Confirming her fears says to ME that she was prob thinking about suicide long before her 12 yr old son made goo goo eyes at his classmate. like jfc lady they were children. like it sucks to be cheated on but most people dont kill themselves because of it and sungha thinking he or sooin were to blame is absurd but i guess expecting logic from a sex comic about vampires is perhaps too much .) off i trot to look at the raws i guess.

    Hehe January 7, 2021 7:11 am

    i do not regret reading this

Tai December 26, 2020 6:21 pm

this is licensed and available on tappytoon now. (no they arent up to chpt 41) but the image quality is better there by alot. imo its worth waiting for it to catch up since there's alrdy been so many long hiatuses on this comic. at least now once it catches up we're looking at regular scheduled releases. (i will miss the dick redraws tho, rip)

    Zoezoe788 December 26, 2020 6:34 pm

    Is it for free?

    MoshiMoshiYaoi December 26, 2020 7:39 pm
    Is it for free? Zoezoe788


    Tai December 26, 2020 8:10 pm
    Is it for free? Zoezoe788

    ofc its not free how else u gonna support the author? lol. i mean tappytoon prices are pretty reasonable imo. and u dont have to buy every chpt or anything. anyway the quality is better, once a webtoon is licensed its just good form to drop it as a fan translation group. people can still reup the licensed chpts here for those who cant pay, at least then SOMEONE is buying the chpts. this group isnt even buying raws, they get their raws from toonkor (thats why the img quality is poor, they just removed the watermarks)

Tai December 22, 2020 9:50 pm

i hope i one day can come into a comment section for porn aimed at women who like seeing men being sexually vulnerable that isnt full of OTHER women teling us how disgusting this porn is and that we are for liking it. just amazing when i think about how this kind of shit has been in mainstream (aka catered for str8 men) erotic or adult themed media for centuries (no porn itself wasnt mainstream centuries ago but it exists and it was not too concerned about the well being of the women depicted in the images be they fictional OR real) and the men it was primarily aimed at either loved it or shrugged it off to find smth they do love. never giving a damn otherwise. and meanwhile we got women here who came into this comic surely knowing from the summary and cover that this is porn and porn of a Specific kind and then be like HOW DARE this FILTH EXIST! because some fictional cartoon men did not give their consent to the succubus with the magical app on her magical phone to use said magical app on them in a public space. like read that back and ask urself if that doesnt sound ridiculous? yall came in here cause u horny and u know full goddamn well this wasnt some plotty adventure series or a sweet romance. yet u RLY still managed to be shocked? and or the felt the need to pop in the comments and explain why this is Bad Content cause heaven forfend someone doesnt tell us this is bad behavior for a real human being to do in real life cause otherwise how would we know??? like i promise u men will not be less safe in public because of this webtoon existing. i wish yall cared as much about your own sexual desires as u did about the wellbeing of these cartoon men's assholes. by which i mean go find smut that actually turns you on and leave the other people who do like this alone. (no idc that some of the people here said they wish the app was real because its not! it can never be!! let bitches be stupid online if they want to! ffs)

    Lizu December 26, 2020 5:25 am

    Yes, im tired of it too. Whenever I read a femdom story, some girls be shamming the girl for being too domineering and the dude for being submissive; it always get on my nerves. Like im tired of bitches calling feminine or submissive guy, a girl . And the rape thing, like ppl need to give it a rest. This is fiction and no im not justifying rape. Crimes, psychopath, stealing exist in Mangas, and we don't try to get rid of them cause we know its fiction. Same thing with r@pe. Its supposed to be fiction.

    Tai December 26, 2020 6:16 am
    Yes, im tired of it too. Whenever I read a femdom story, some girls be shamming the girl for being too domineering and the dude for being submissive; it always get on my nerves. Like im tired of bitches calling... Lizu

    yeah alot of these folks will straight up simp for (or handwave) the actions of serial killers as long as they are hot guys who are dubcon sexing other hot guys. THEN its ok or at least it doesnt seem to attract as many haters as these femdom ones do.

    Sangwoosmexy December 28, 2020 6:50 pm
    yeah alot of these folks will straight up simp for (or handwave) the actions of serial killers as long as they are hot guys who are dubcon sexing other hot guys. THEN its ok or at least it doesnt seem to attrac... Tai

    I agree with u 100% people need to just mind there business and when u said that peeps simp for a serial killer and don't get bashed on like femdoms do u are very much correct I love sangwoo and I don't get shit from it I swear ur my fav person rncuz ur saying facts

    Wren December 28, 2020 9:10 pm

    They keep saying why can't we have consensual ___________ material instead of this but they also don't realise its there.... On hentai sites..... You can search the tags for vanilla and you'll find it. You can even find them on this site. There's literally no point in complaining about the contents of this webtoon as it has no real effect in life. And if it does it wouldn't be the contents fault but the people themselves. Most of this stuff is catered to adults who already should know how society works instead of people constantly badgering about the morality of fantasies that almost 50% of the female have atleast once every year.

    Tai December 28, 2020 9:31 pm
    I agree with u 100% people need to just mind there business and when u said that peeps simp for a serial killer and don't get bashed on like femdoms do u are very much correct I love sangwoo and I don't get shi... Sangwoosmexy

    lmao ur username. i respect u tho sis. he's not a real serial killer and the artist drew him hot. i think he's scary af but everyone has their kinks. i also think KS is a good horror story and dont think of it as BL or porn but that's a topic for a different thread. point is i wish more people would just live and let live? like do u and let other people do themselves. and yes i do mean that in a dirty way too ;)

    Tai December 28, 2020 9:39 pm
    They keep saying why can't we have consensual ___________ material instead of this but they also don't realise its there.... On hentai sites..... You can search the tags for vanilla and you'll find it. You can ... Wren

    yup. its like very obvious from the JUMP what this story is for. there's totally vanilla smut with romance both het and gay and poly if its ur bag and u dont even need ot look that hard for it. its like people come in here PURELY to bitch about this. like if u r actually into femdom....nothing about this is shocking or cruel (because this shit also all happens in their minds, they're not ACTUALLY being assaulted in public???) and in both cases of Dom and Phil...there's a whole 2 chpts dedicated to how they are secretly into some rly kinky shit! so they are having a great time! none of these 100 percent imaginary men are being traumatized or having their lives ruined. u know their lives that none of us know baout and the story isnt interested in cause this is truly just Porn for the ladies who like to see men cry and get their asses fucked. which is totally an ok kink when it comes to BL but somehow a problem when its a woman or female presenting character doing it? just take that misogyny elsewhere THANKS. (i dont think Dom's story with the proctologist got uplaoded here tho, i read it on lezhin's site but its not here or maybe its out of order? idk. anyway but in that one Dom desperately wants anal play but is uncomfotable with asking and his only way to get his kink satisfied is via...prostate exams at the doctor..lmao. nvm that nothing is ever sexy about doctor visits..i still laughed and it was sexy once the dream got going. this comic is more interested ane explicit wrt the sub's enjoyment of the sex acts than most of the bdsm themed porn i've seen here OR elsewhere.)

Tai December 15, 2020 6:35 am

at last this is truly a smut comic for the bisexuals. thanx orishima yupopo. (altho i could swear that rui fingered boy!Shion before this and it was never spoken of again? did like everyone just forget...becuz i remember it fondly lol). anyway, i wish we could get this in the original manga format and not the chopped up webtoon (tatekomi) format cause it rly does no justice to the original art. and like this art is good enough that it holds up even when its been MUTILATED like this but man these scenes would prob be 100x hotter in the book format. (if it was easier to buy raw mangas i freaking would tbh. but japan just doesnt want my money i guess! they refuse to accept foreign cards or addresses or paypal even for freaking digital media! smh)

    Orangestep723 December 15, 2020 10:03 am

    Not really this will be the last yaoi chapter.

    defillun December 15, 2020 11:40 am
    Not really this will be the last yaoi chapter. Orangestep723

    Oh rip, did you read the raws?

    Tai December 15, 2020 8:23 pm
    Not really this will be the last yaoi chapter. Orangestep723

    receipts pls. (i was just hoping it would be a switch back and forth situation, but ill be annoyed if shion stays a woman just to be with rui when rui accepts him either way.)

    defillun December 16, 2020 11:38 am
    receipts pls. (i was just hoping it would be a switch back and forth situation, but ill be annoyed if shion stays a woman just to be with rui when rui accepts him either way.) Tai

    Yeah, agreed, that would be lame imo

Tai December 6, 2020 5:34 am

im frustrated with the implication that this manga is bad because the FL is "weak" w,hen its not that she's weak. she's just horny like the rest of us! lol. but more precisely she's a thinly written stand in for the reader (and if u the reader dont identify with her well...ur gonna be frustrated). Basically its not the she "cant" fight back but that she kinda likes it/wants it and thats why she always "gives in". thats the entire fantasy that these TL mangas are catering to. the virgin girl/woman wants to fuck but is too shy and repressed, so in comes the "bad boy" or "beast" or w/e to teach her the ways of sexy times. and allow her to get pleasure without implicating herself in the process by like...actually voicing her desires in a concrete way. altho he's the aggressor, he (the typical TL male lead) always makes sure to give thorough foreplay via fingering or oral or both and confesses his undying love before giving her the D. unlike any irl man who touches u without ur consent, would actually give zero fux about ur pleasure or feelings, and is 100 percent a predator. and most women who read these comics KNOW this, becuz irl men being sexually aggressive outside the bedroom are just terrifying (otherwise catcalling would be the prologue to many love stories). this guy isnt like any real guy and this scenario is also ridiculous. that said, this isnt MY fantasy, altho im not sexually experienced, i am not repressed or passive so i often feel frustrated with this trope and would vastly prefer FLs who enthusiastically consent and MLs who wait to get that consent before proceeding, but not cause it sends the Wrong Message because any adult reading this would alrdy know this behavior unacceptable in real life and also the opposite of sexy in real life (cause real life has consequences, in this fantasy story we know the FL isnt in danger of being brutalized/murdered by this guy and that he is in fact diong this cause he likes her and not cause he's just horny and she's easy to bully) that said the majority of het porn in mangaland is TL so if the art is nice enough I'll read this shit anyway. which is why I'm here. but every time u find people in the comment section who seem to not know what they are reading is, its fap material. its basic boring vanilla ass het porn with regressive tropes yes and plays into aspects of rape culture which is if a woman says no she means yes cause a good girl cant say yes even when she means yes. (that said if cultural reports from internal media outlets is to be believed, then most young japanese men are the opposite of sexually aggressive which would also explain why TL mangas are...the way they are). my point is, do u want to see two hot people fucking? then TL manga is for u. do u want to see an engaging love story that has enthusiastic consent? uh...some TL has that! but most doesnt. do u want to see a deep thoughtful story about romance and relationships? u are 100 percent in the wrong place. (josei and shoujo do have that! but the sex is alot milder in those..if its present at all)
in a good romance, there's buildup to the sexy times, and to the love confessions but in a porn even a romantic~ porn, the main point IS the sex. so thats why u get these absurd scenarios with the guy immediately coming onto the FL and her just kinda...weakly protesting while he pleasures her. cause that's like what the audience came here for lol. This isnt me saying people cant complain in comments ofc, lord knows i have my grievances with this entire genre let alone this specific story. but there's just no point in going into knots about the Implications of the lack of consent or how its offensive or etc because ultimately these are focused on the fulfillment of a Desire, and the real question u should ask urselves isnt "is this porn problematic?" cause almost all porn is to some degree, but rather "is this trashy porno manga MY kinda trash or nah?". cause life's too short to care about how some 2D fictional characters get it on. (PS: everyone here should try out Overcumming Writer's Block which is very silly like all TL but unlike most TL is full of enthusiastic consent! we love 2 see it)

    dis creep December 6, 2020 1:33 pm

    This is well said. Take my thumbs up!

    Mayyree December 6, 2020 11:41 pm

    Okay I didn't read finish reading ur comment but I absolutely agree (ㆁωㆁ)

    alviana299 December 7, 2020 6:12 am

    I love the way you explained patronage for this kind of genre. Having been raised in a conservative and religious household, and still a virgin even in my mid-twenties, this genre serves to highlight my own sexual fantasies which are unspoken taboo where I live. I fully agree with your sentiments. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Tai December 7, 2020 7:18 am
    I love the way you explained patronage for this kind of genre. Having been raised in a conservative and religious household, and still a virgin even in my mid-twenties, this genre serves to highlight my own sex... alviana299

    ty. i have entirely too many long winded thoughts about the Psychology of...erotic fiction lol. where's MY ted talk huh??

    Tai December 7, 2020 7:20 am
    Okay I didn't read finish reading ur comment but I absolutely agree (ㆁωㆁ) Mayyree

    well ty but u know...skim reading is a good skill to learn! lol. inhale all the knowledge in half the time it would take if u read it normally. its like watching YT videos on 2x speed but with text~

    Tai December 7, 2020 7:27 am
    This is well said. Take my thumbs up! dis creep


    Sakura27 December 13, 2020 7:30 pm

    I didnt even read the manga and just read your comment and got enough intellectual satisfaction not to read it lmao

    Tai December 13, 2020 7:49 pm
    I didnt even read the manga and just read your comment and got enough intellectual satisfaction not to read it lmao Sakura27

    lol glad i could help.

Tai November 22, 2020 12:51 am

yeah i think i like the role reversal version more than the original version. seungho is more fun as a peasant. cause he's got so much pride EVEN as a "lowborn" meanwhile nakyum has power and status but is still on the timid side. it makes for a more interesting dynamic imo. and seungho's crazy eyes are more entertaining coming from a guy whose surely been kicked around by life. it feels defiant instead of entitled. anyway the caste system in joseon korea means they would struggle to ever be happy or at peace in either incarnation tbf. (also apprecaite how in this version nakyum is clearly going to get over inhun like 100x faster.) i wouldnt be mad if the author just decides to drop the main story and go on a detour into AU potn for a while but alas that'll never happen...

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