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Yana created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

One scenario equals to 5 chapters. So sick of how short the chapters are. I'd rather they make us wait then release a lengthy chapter than this

Yana created a topic of Waterside Night

I love how Hiro got Ai's confidence.

Yana asked a question

I dunno if anyone has addressed this but some readers really screams of misogyny when they drop a manhwa because there is a girl. I don't mean everyone because there are really some annoying female characters inserted just to play the damsel in distress so the mc would look more heroic or "manly"

Poor Bobae but I'm really fucking cracking up like Mano from the pov of outsiders, their family (except Bobae) just consists of nutjobs.

Yana created a topic of Gakuen Babysitters
Yana created a topic of Eleceed