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NOOO MY BABYYY I hope rosie dosen't starts hating maythan, I hope she just gets over the prince and has a beautiful relationship with yuriel

Nekyun answered question about using mangago
Mine is Haebom's dick from our sunny days :3
Nekyun answered question about make friend from this site
LMFAO WE COULDNT BE ANYMORE RELATABLE So It's the absolute same for me and now I've got exam just in a month, I haven't had irl friends for 2 or 3 years now so just a few months ago I joined discord servers and made some friends it was fun talking to them but yeah it got distracting so I pulled back and isolated myself again. Well for a few months......
Nekyun answered question about question
I follow ppl who are my friends or just people who have good reads or good lists, so if you don't know why they followed you you probably got reads they're interested in. I do love all the bishes who follow me fr
Nekyun answered question about question
The love interest falling more for the main character when wind is blowing and they look MAJESTIC️ Gets me feeling all bubbles and butterflies inside
Nekyun answered question about discord server
Lowkey wanna play among us again lol
Nekyun followed question about talking on walkie talkie

Someone recommend me some good ones. I'm into dis trash at the moment

31 03,2024
Nekyun answered question about talking on walkie talkie
I remember having a family a whole husband and a baby but we were haunted by some evil spirit who came latched on a present in abox delivered just outside my door which I had opened and she then killed both my baby and husband in front of me, it was all blood and their dead bodies all over the house and finally I sealed or killed the spirit some wa......
Nekyun answered question about stay at home for several days
Guess what I got in store for you?? Semen face mask

Damn I totally thought he was after the brother potential bl fail smh bit this is cute too

Nekyun answered question about question
Firstly YOURE WASTING YOUR TIME, RESOURCES, PARENTS MONEY NOT STUDYING WHICH IF YOURE A STUDNET THATS YOUR RESPONSIBILTY TO DO. One thing that's absolutely reality and motivates me a lot to study is that if I don't, I'll have to get married to some dude and have his children and I'll be dependent on him. He will be be in control of my life and I'd ......

This is so romance corny lmao AND I LOVE IT

Nekyun created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

He's such a himbo looking cutie ooohalala lemme have him sesammm

Nekyun answered question about coming out of the closet
Well it's kinda true, you have read a lot of Mangas with that trope so your brain has pretty much accepted and normalised it setting it aside from real life. But well I've read some rapey shit (from the pov of the victim) and the author usually illustrates it in such a way that the victim kinda gets over it and dosent minds it much but reality is d......
Nekyun answered question about chat about anything
Infj Or I could be an intp depends on the mood, I've never taken a real test. Also I'll add the online tests you guys take are not very serious and mbti is kinda the new horoscope now if you get what I mean.
Nekyun answered question about question
The family ones are from discord servers bruh chill. Join a mangago server and go have some fun, the people who read here are still people and a lot of them are good and fun, I'm not talking about those dumb bitches who enjoy pedophilia and shit ok.
Nekyun answered question about question
Hi hi I'm Nekyun Age: 18 Gender: Female, pronouns: she/her Taking a gap year preparing for college lol Hobbies: watching movies, reading Mangas and watching kdramas and anime, delusion Also I'm an ambivert, pretty extroverted online I'd love to be friends with you if we are on the same wavelength :)
Nekyun answered question about question
Real. I wanna have a pet too I think I'll never be truly tired of romcoms and anime, it might get boring at times but I'll never be totally tired of it :D