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Stupid assignements, I've been awake for 48h already

This serie is so cute, but also it really makes want to move to the Lappland and live there (except there's really not enough light in winter, but look at all this snow, the dream!)

Tsalite followed a list
Tsalite followed question about live in omegaverse universe

those type of stories u love and leave u wanting for more chaps

08 01,2024

Am I the only who was really sad when he said that his body doesn't have physical reactions anymore? My only hope now is that the control he has on it lets him FULLY control it

Tsalite followed question about play games

Wondering if you guys know any games that has an interesting storyline as limbus company since i tended to play that game but some controversial stuff happened with that company that was working on limbus company which i decided to not play that game anymore so i wanted to know if there's any other mobile games that have interesting characters and ......

04 01,2024
Tsalite followed question about discord server

Since I asked about the worst red flags/black flags the other day. Now i need something to help me gain faith in Bl authors again. In your opinion, who is the greenest top of all time and if u can; plz give top 5 green flags with story names

02 01,2024
Tsalite followed question about question

My is Мой мармеладный by Katya Lel

14 12,2023
Tsalite created a topic of Marriage of Convenience

I loved this story, except Bianca's family made absolutely no sense. They're supposed to love her so much, but still sold her for a marriage of convenience, and supposedly it's too painful to send her letters so they just never do, leaving her to believe they don't care? Like what kind of extremely selfish ass*oles do that? If they really loved her, they should at least have sent letters! I thought it made no sense. But whatever, I just kind of ignored that part of the story

Tsalite answered question about question
Overall life: probably 7, lots of not nice stuff in teenage years, definite need of therapy, but amazing relationships and tons of privilege Looks: depends on the day, probably 6? I think I'm okay-ish And happiness: definitely depends on the day as well, I'll go with 8 right now(▰˘◡˘▰)

What about the girl Perez was supposed to fall in love with in the original timeline? Is she going to come back at some point?

I guess it must be really hard when the whole world doesn't turn around you anymore. I really wish Lize had been a good person though

Tsalite created a topic of Untouchable Lady

Why would she kill Renoch? Did he do anything?

Tsalite created a topic of SSS-Class Suicide Hunter

Honestly, I don't get it. What is his plan with this?

Tsalite answered question about stay at home for several days
Are you talking about polyamory or polygamy? I'm super fine with polyamory, I know people for whom it works really great. Usually, they're dating max two people at the same time, or else it's impossible to have any kind of deep relationships. I don't think it's for me, as I'm not sure I can fall in love with more than one person, but I find it fasc......
Tsalite followed question about stay at home for several days

So, a little while ago I had this discussion with my brother, as we're both working adults now. There are this social stigma and peer pressure around us (unlike when we're both still young ) that the normal thing to do is to get married. If not, you're weird, or something is wrong with you. But honestly ? seriously? will you ?

13 11,2023