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the way they transitioned from "cant believe she caught him lol" to "hes a thief." LMAO

i dont know how long its been since i genuinely squealed and started kicking my feet. i needed this so bad


LordTrashii created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen


LordTrashii created a topic of Owari no Seraph

i dont understand how so many people dont know whats going yes there is a LOT going on im not gonna lie, but its all laid out very simple, the chapters aren't crowded in too much information being thrown at you, and you also have a month to digest everything thats happening

LordTrashii created a topic of Pick Me Up

velkist im willing to look past every single one of your red flags please just one chance

being completely honest, I wasn't a fan of their romance at first. One, because I was thrown off by a romance subplot being introduced nearly 100 chapters in, two because I wasn't the biggest fan of Raviel at first, three because I was under the assumption he'd end up with either apothecary or witch. However...howEVER, my brain chemistry was altered when they regressed together the first time and she waited for him for 39 days. God, that was so fucking cute. They are so fucking cute. I love them so much, they're perfect for each other. Raviel is such a badass and so gorgeous, I don't know why I disliked her at all. I do love my romance, and I do love my action, but rarely do I even tolerate them together. This though? This is perfect. Finger licking good. Squealing at 2am, giggling and kicking my feet amazing. And their WEDDING? and after all the sappy and adorable things they say to each other, be still my fucking heart, GOD I LOVE THEM.

can a novel reader spoil me and tell me if he still wants to kill his father at the end? idk man, ive been thinking since the beginning that he has some fairly... well, partially redeeming qualities. his descent to madness started when his first wife and penelope "died" to the barbarians, but it does seem like after/if he finds out his daughter was fine and actually loved happily with the barbarians, he might have a change of heart. also him genuinely treasuring vikir is flag? idk, it feels like theyre setting him up to not be a total ass and vikir possibly having a change of heart as well, nature vs nurture, separating the past from the present, that kinda thing.

LordTrashii created a topic of Infinite Mage

cool and all... can we get the rian "himbo boyfriend" ogent back in season two? i miss that stupid guy and i KNOW its not bl but him and shirone were so cute

LordTrashii created a topic of Shadowless Night

AHHH i really hope roselyn understands hes in love with her and not misunderstanding. if thats how she reacts to his confession "haha i knew that already silly" it would be so adorable and hilarious

LordTrashii created a topic of ENNEAD

until hes confirmed zeus or ares or anyone else, thats jesus

why the fuck does this say comedy dawg you got me crying in the club

LordTrashii created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

does anyone know why my boy yuji got those claws

ohh is this where the talisman comes into play? way to go little lady (≧∀≦)

LordTrashii created a topic of Yarisugi Brothers

...nah that was weird, and im not gonna act like its not

LordTrashii created a topic of Perfect Body

imo the incest scene could have been worse... shiwon could have enjoyed it doc really went "you wanna traumatize your little bro and yourself in the process?"

LordTrashii created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

yall ever just wanna fight god for creating gege like this

to everyone saying it feels rushed....hes a sex worker. of course hes gonna gun for it as soon as he feels there might be a mutual attraction (not saying all sex workers do, it just makes sense why hes so ready given the context). also, its yaoiii this always happens dont be so surprised

nah i dont understand why everyone isnt annoyed with his antics right now like sir will you stop this bullshit already youre slowing her down (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

Guys the doctor is fine as fuck, im so normal about him.

its so hilarious that they just have this freaky psycho doctor kept in the basement and just pull him out when they need him (≧∀≦)