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saito asked a question

i need some buff uke, drop recommendations pls

saito followed a list
saito created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

if i can punch diana, just once, i think i can sleep peacefully for the rest of my life.

saito asked a question

buff uke or ugly (?) uke recomms pls, preferably the ones who aren't popular 'cause i've read pretty much all of the popular ones (^^)

Saw some comments here about Akira and Hina as the endgame and I still feel disappointed about it. The interactions Akira had with targets will all go to waste if in the end he'll just go with Hina without a good build up of their relationship

I just lovee love love kaede and akira & natsuhi and akira interaction!!! Kaede is the prettiest, cutest yet deadlyy. He's just so fierce and ready to fight for Akira!! On the other hand, natsuhi's so charming, he's in denial still but I can feel him caring so much for Akira. He always look out for him even though he's only thinking it's for his bro but nooo, he's genuinely concerned to him! I love these two the most and I'm still hoping that we get to have different ending from the novel

saito created a topic of Spinach Bouquet

i just wanna make sure i'm not delulu out here, is dongchan the uke? i can't see clearly with all these tears ;;;

saito created a topic of Spinach Bouquet


saito asked a question

bl manhwa/manga recs pls where the uke is considered ugly (like ian in liveta) or big muscly guy (like mokhwa in beware of the full moon in march) while the seme is like super prettyyy

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11 04,2024
saito followed a list

archive of this list is here:

it's not optimized for mobile viewing so i suggest u use a pc to view it!

1. The page loads really slowly, don't panic. It leads to an excel sheet.
2. If it asks if u want to store it, choose whichever option.
3. Now you can view it! 

i might update the link from time to time so bookmark it if u still want to keep up with my list lol

07 04,2024
saito followed a list
06 04,2024
saito asked a question

can someone pls recommend something like ian and his loverboy TT manga or manhwa is fineee

saito followed a list
01 04,2024