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Lala created a topic of The One Within the Villainess

Lmaooo the wizard in the extra chapter is so cute I hope he'll appear more in the main chapters as well

Lala created a topic of Jinx

Dan's so fucking dumb I'm sorry ik jaekyung looks hot but he's a fucking asshole, maybe a little toxicity might be forgiven but this bitch is a spawn of satan

Lala created a topic of Jinx

Fucking knew he was going to get caught into some shit jaekyung caused. Does he have attachment issues or something? How do you fall in love with an abusive toxic piece of shit while you're loaded with piles of debt and your grandma being on deathbed?

Lala created a topic of Eleceed

Walk em like a dog (and cat)

I'm on chapter 55 and someone please tell me if the fl and the black haired supposedly no blood relation brother are going to be a couple if yes then i'm dropping this

Lala shared experience about question
So i kind of like this guy and we're like messaging each other for a year (on and off) lmao, he just told me he liked me before on like november but now he said he's too busy and he doesn't know if he still likes me,, i literally don't have any problem with that except when i reply to his message he takes sooooo long to reply, like the longest dura......
Lala asked a question

Give me strong fl like literally not just the wise and smart type but also physically strong

Lala created a topic of Eleceed

I loveee cats but I'm sorry puppies are so much cuter

Lala created a topic of The Hole is Open

I'm sorry but i'm drawing the line with the aunt and the other girl's mom like what the actual fuck

every character here pls do me a favor and kill yourselves hehe

Lala asked a question

a father and daughter isekai where the mc is op or talented

Lala asked a question

a completed shoujo manga pls preferably 10 chapter more or less

Lala created a topic of With My Brother's Friends

recommend me something like this and him&him&him plsssss

Lala created a topic of Eleceed

Antagal tangina turuan mo na pluto

Lala asked a question

recommend me something like this plsss

and not orv or any other popular ones since i've probably already read that

Lala followed a goer
06 02,2024
Lala followed a goer

I think I read too much…

I'm from a country in the North.... Best if i don't talk about myself here right?
SO!....You can call me Auréo for short, and you need to know that I'm obsessed with reading...Litteraly (Did you understand the joke?)

Also, my fisrt language is FRENCH! I'm doing my best, but sometimes It leak out so I'm sorry if you don't understand my fren-glish.

Good day to you, whoever you are ; D

06 02,2024
Lala created a topic of Itoshi no XL Saizu

the dialogues are hilarious and they say it with a straight face too

Lala want to do

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