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everyone complains about that cheating but I'm still here thinking that every guy surrounding her is trash. the former fiance is up to no good, the husband is there raping his wife and forcing himself on her with the excuse of "love" and the fl isn't even better, how could she fall in love/care for someone that literally did that to her like does that sex/rape thingy feel so good for her that everything he has done to her is vanished? Like how can u fall for your rapist. I would be here just ignoring everything around me. She has nothing to do with anything and gets dragged around by everyone even if she just wanted a normal life in that cute little village at the border. I wouldn't even mind getting killed cause there's nothing to life for her anymore. Or she should run away, either way. I would be like "u fucking deserve it, even if u tell me u love me, u don't deserve anything, not even my corpse" (sorry for that much ranting xD) But the fl just gets on my nerves in these kind of stories. They get raped/imprisoned and just forgive the ml because he's nice sometimes and forgetting everything that happened

Sekkin created a topic of Pop One's Cherry

Finally an uke who tells the seme that they went too far. I mean the "consensual" thing is often blurry and the uke gets mad throughout the deed like with "no" "Stop" "wait" but the seme never stops and the uke miraculously isn't mad anymore AFTER that like did that feel soo good that you forgot that he border raped you? xD I mean nothing wrong with that if the uke's okay with it but that ticks me off like if he said "wait" why can't u just back off and control urself lmao

I liked the art better previously, I mean I guess it's still the same artist but ofc the art changes after years of drawing but now they all look so buff and muscular, even the women, Karina has more boob and wide shoulders as a man, she looks so healthy and nice now. The art previously was more "delicate" now it seems more "Shonen" and buff. Dunno how to describe it o:

Sekkin created a topic of Jinx

I really hoped that Dan would leave with grandma to fulfill her last wish somewhere far and I guess she will die after that and he will try to start a new life there. But sadly I think he will try to find Dan cause he probs can't win anymore if it isn't Dan who he has sex with welp

Sekkin created a topic of Hananoi-kun to Koi no Yamai

maybe I'm too old for this kinda manga (I only watched episode 1 of the anime) but everything bugged me for some reason. A girl 15yo says she doesn't understand love or that she's not normal for not falling in love at some point like gurl ur 15, say that when ur 30 or something. Or the guy falling for a girl just because of an umbrella. Would he have fallen in love with every girl that held out her umbrella at that time. I bet many girls would have done that cause he looked good. Everything is so childish for me, but yeah mybe cause I'm too "old" for a coming of age manga with love at first sight over trivial things and a girl falling for him just cause he does some nice things for her

Sekkin created a topic of Foam of the Sea

How old are they? From the art I can't really distinguish. Sometimes they look like and act like older teens (like 16 to 18) And other times the fl looks like she's 10 cause of the short limbs and the childish face and the ml also isn't that much bigger than her and he looks like 14 and also has a very youthful face. The elders also don't look much older or bigger, they just have more wrinkles

what is this height difference lmao like she's so smallll, I didn't notice at first but the chapter where fl gets to karhans house and he invited her in xD

Sekkin created a topic of Till Divorce Do Us Part!

wait wait wait, I smell grooming. Dunno if he's really a child but in the first episode it's a literal childdd. (Didn't read the episode, just skipped through and read a few passsages)

Sekkin created a topic of Traces of the Moon

For some reason, both main characters seem unlikeable to me, maybe it's the lack of worldbuildingor the "fantasy culture"they created there or the way the fl is too naive/Innocent or dumb to understand anything.
In my opinion like inform urself before entering a country directly, I mean yes news reach the north years later but with her experience of travelling I expect she whould have more common sense. And the ml don't get me started...his overall being and behaviour is so unlikeable and I know he's suppost to be "the powerful god like king who can do anything he wants and doesn't need to explain himself" but the way he treats the fl and the way she reacts to all that UGHHH WHY

Sekkin created a topic of Kusuriya no Hitorigoto

I saw someone writing that shi sui is actually the new consort who moved in AND also the emperors half sister like Jinshi? Dunno if it's real, pls spoil me >.<

Sekkin created a topic of Jinx

I want Dan to get her Grandma out of the hospital so they can have a nice "last trip" together. I mean she's gonna die anyway so why not die in peace and at a place where they can be together until the end. Like I hope they have a nice last time together and Dan realises that he needs to get the fuck away from everything, especially the horse and start a new life after the granma dies in peace

Idk if it gets better cause I only read 15 chapters but the ml feels so bland to me, like he doesn't have any personality. He knew the mc stalked him and you could see that he feels uncomfortable with that but just cause his nephew likes her he's just like "yeah she must be a good person, i dun care what she did a year ago, if my nephew says she's nice she must be nice" it's like the whole stalking didn't happen and he doesn't even feel the slightest bit uncomfortable or anything, he suddenly likes her cause she saved the child and thats it lmao could be just me but he's just bland and no personality whatsoever

Sekkin created a topic of Remarried Empress

I can't remember, I know they both ate the cookies but it was never certain that one of them went infertile. (I know that he is cause of spoilers and such) But for them it isn't clear, some people just can't get pregnant from another person even if the other person get other people pregnant and the same with woman, some pairs just won't work together cause of dna or such things, so if I were them after finding out the woman was pregnant from another man I wouldn't jump to conclusions that I was infertile cause I wasn't able to impregnate the woman

Sekkin created a topic of Cry, or Better Yet, Beg

I had a hunch after they explained the clipping part so my guess is that this duke will "tame" and "clip" layla's "wings" in the fucked up way possible...he isn't likeable from the start and the way he talks and looks at her and that bird is like animal and it's prey or like a child and a plaything. My guess is that he will abuse and imprison her to the point that he is willing to kill her or hurt her if she runs away...I really hope the light haired boy is the ml and that layla will have the happy ending she deserves but after reading enough webtoons with similar plot, Layla will never have a happy ending or develop Stockholm syndrome...or (very unlikely) the duke will have a redemption ark after giving layla hell and suddenly we well be expected to like the duke even after he did horrible things to our fl...Maybe I'm wrong but the first 11 chapters feel uncomfortable whenever the duke is present or in the same scene as Layla...

At some parts the faces and scenarios, it's so dumb, I love it!!(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ