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LouLou January 19, 2024 8:13 pm

Personally, even if it's just a few shitty people doing him wrong after he returns, you gotta admit it's disgusting how human beings are. The kid was suffering. His life fell apart the moment he came back to the place that was supposed to be his home. Do u guys think that wouldn't drive someone off the edge? No one would be able to handle that kind of suffering and there was no one. Not one person to show even a little bit of kindness. People are terryingly corrupt and selfish. The truth is, people kill eachother as is. Rapists are plentiful to this day. And if driven enough, anyone can comit those sins if the chance is provided or the stakes are high enough. Reality is scarier than webtoons. People are the main cause for everything that goes wrong here. There's always a bad apple. And sometimes it's contagious. I find it disturbing how a person can and will give anything for greed. I don't hate the kid for doing what he did. People failed him.

    Just a guy February 2, 2024 7:32 am

    I mean, kinda? But also no. The hero of return very purposefully ruined the sword hero's life. He killed and drove away all the people who could have helped or saved the sword hero to purposefully cause the sword hero to fall into despair and break the time loop. I agree that people can be irredeemable pieces of garbage and we see a lot of those kinds of people in this story, but I think this webtoon also does a good job of showing the opposite side and how people can be resilient and self-sacrificing and kind. I also find it interesting that, while I agree it would be nice for the sword hero to have a happy ending, the sacrifice of his happiness and future sort of make him into the ultimate hero? It's his sacrifice and tragedy that allow the world to escape the time loop and free the billions of people trapped inside it.

    LouLou February 4, 2024 11:44 pm
    I mean, kinda? But also no. The hero of return very purposefully ruined the sword hero's life. He killed and drove away all the people who could have helped or saved the sword hero to purposefully cause the swo... Just a guy

    I agree with you ngl. It's just so unfair at times since the amount of suffering needed to even instill the thought of changing for the better in people is too much.

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