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hyyeehaw's feed

hyyeehaw created a topic of Sand Castle

this is too wildly realistic. i see this kind of case everyday and i feel the author really knows that it is toxic and they are toxic and chose to explore that. i like that jiwoo doesn't have too tragic of a background, because most toxic people like him really are just... like that. no need to bring justification to the table. i like the way love bombing was used to describe what eunsung did, and i also like how eunsung realizes that he did wrong, but it does not erase the wrongs that the other parties did.

i don't forgive them, but the characters live anyway. and they found their ending.

i wondered if the author wrote this from personal experience because they seem to have an awful good grasp on the common things that happen in dating violence, too good, i feel like i'm at work, reading a chronology, too real.

in the end i'm glad i gave it a read.