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Aster July 1, 2021 1:01 am

When does the uploader/ translator updates? Is it like weekly or they upload whenever?? Wanna wait for it AAAAAA (not pressuring them, I just wanna know)

    Aster July 1, 2021 1:48 am

    Ok nvm I forgot that u can see the dates here

Aster June 25, 2021 12:24 pm

So was he raped or not? Just need confirmation before I read it

    chilli June 25, 2021 8:32 pm

    well they both were under the aphrodisiac’s influence

    Aster June 27, 2021 2:01 pm
    well they both were under the aphrodisiac’s influence chilli

    Oh ok ok thankss

Aster June 23, 2021 6:40 am

Really has a talent for making someone look like their fault. Tho, if I read this calmly, I think I can forgive trash... after the truth comes out and she’s been sent to jail or exiled... (╬ ̄皿 ̄)bcs she literally have no good experience so she’s been influenced by her environment. The problem here is her past environment made her like that. As for Soveshit... idk someone make him eat shit or smth. After being selfish now he wanted “his” empress back? So far he’s the most illogical one, it’s like every decision he makes is based on his current feelings. Tho good to know he’s a good emperor to his ppl cause if not then he’s just wasting oxygen in their world ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Erys June 23, 2021 6:58 am

    For the trash lady not even lady she’s a trash monster mama have you read the novel of the things she’s done because that’s just inherently evil like there’s no way you’re just influenced by that other stuff she did I don’t know if they’ll add it in this format but like yeah she’s evil

    Aster June 23, 2021 9:46 am
    For the trash lady not even lady she’s a trash monster mama have you read the novel of the things she’s done because that’s just inherently evil like there’s no way you’re just influenced by that othe... Erys

    Oh really? The shitty couple are too greedy. Then pretend I didn’t say any of that. I just based my previous comment on this webtoon, haven’t read the novel yet. Mind if you link me where you read the novel? Would like to read it too

    Erys June 23, 2021 2:29 pm
    Oh really? The shitty couple are too greedy. Then pretend I didn’t say any of that. I just based my previous comment on this webtoon, haven’t read the novel yet. Mind if you link me where you read the novel... Aster

    No I understand and you should I don’t know if they’ll keep it out or not but like don’t forget that this bitch just let herself be guided without thinking anything anything of her own she’s clearly bad for enjoying what she does she doesn’t have a conscience so if you just remember the time that she grinned while breaking up a marriage and lying about other regards and enjoying it like she has no conscience so I get where you’re coming from but just remember that because she needs to go in the trash where she belongs my hatred is deep

    Aster June 23, 2021 2:36 pm
    No I understand and you should I don’t know if they’ll keep it out or not but like don’t forget that this bitch just let herself be guided without thinking anything anything of her own she’s clearly bad... Erys

    Oh yeahh how can I forget those panels, I was seriously irritated whenever she smirks behind the scenes. Hope Queen to be happy with the western king and I’d srly like to see a scene where sove smth kneels before the queen

Aster June 18, 2021 4:06 pm

In terms of the medical aspects of the story, is it based on facts? Esp the ml has a disorder, im very particular about these things bcs it irate me when authors write a story with a mental disorder but doesn’t study for it.

    誠治 June 19, 2021 5:19 am

    Possible, although I can't say that this is the case for everyone who suffers from DID.

    When these alters take over, they often talk and act differently. We have seen Ray to be speaking the same language as his father to which I believe where Ray first emerged.

    In some cases, one personality may also pick up certain habits that the other does not, such as becoming aggressive. People with DID are not dangerous or evil contrary to what is usually depicted in tv shows etc. Ray was 'violent' towards those who hurt him but he wasn't with Soohyun and the others. Just like what Ray said, he exist to protect. His role is to protect the host (Sooha) from any trauma that can possibly harm the host. Oftentimes, this kind of alter even takes the place so they experience the trauma instead. They try to manage feelings of anger and focuses most on defense. It is common for them to also have self-destructive behaviors, and can also be very aggressive verbally at times.

    Things that might serve as a reminder of past trauma can trigger a dissociative episode such as the vase thrown at Sooha by his former doctor thus, causes Ray to appear.

    An individual with DID may or may not be aware of the other personality states and memories of the times when an alter is dominant just as how Sooha was unable to remember the conversation Ray and Soohyun had and the clothes he changed into.

    As for the act of transitions itself, it can often look like a small movement of the body or a sudden change in mood. The person may go from being anxious and dependent to being angry and assertive. Switching can be detected if paying very close attention and while being aware of the condition, but it’s very hard for casual observers to recognize one themselves. No dramatic switching such as having red eyes, however, I do think the author made it on purpose to show us the difference between the original host and the alter.

    At the end, Ray, even though he thinks he's not needed anymore (now that they're safe), he is still uncertain whether he will be able to disappear and when. This is actually a good representation. Alters do not disappear completely as they are part of the person with DID. They either go dormant or integrates. Alters do stabilize over time (with prof. help) but since there is no integrated sense of self, whoever the brain recognizes the most fit to do the job for the system will be the one who is out most while the rest stays in dormancy.

    Aster June 19, 2021 7:40 am
    Possible, although I can't say that this is the case for everyone who suffers from DID. When these alters take over, they often talk and act differently. We have seen Ray to be speaking the same language as his... 誠治

    Thank you! Now I can read this in peace. I’m actually a psych student (that’s why I don’t read much bl/manga in general that has mental disorders bcs some if not most were just written based on stereotypes) and based on your analysis I can tell that you’re really educated r u also inclined in psychology?

    誠治 June 19, 2021 11:37 am
    Thank you! Now I can read this in peace. I’m actually a psych student (that’s why I don’t read much bl/manga in general that has mental disorders bcs some if not most were just written based on stereotype... Aster

    I'm glad my insights made you at ease. I'm in the medical field as well (I won't specify exactly what area) but unfortunately, not in psychology (far from it, tbh

    誠治 June 19, 2021 11:38 am
    I'm glad my insights made you at ease. I'm in the medical field as well (I won't specify exactly what area) but unfortunately, not in psychology (far from it, tbh 誠治

    I'm glad my insights made you at ease. I'm in the medical field as well (I won't specify exactly what area) but unfortunately, not in psychology (far from it, tbh

    誠治 June 19, 2021 11:41 am

    I'm glad my insights made you at ease. I'm in the medical field as well (I won't specify exactly what area) but unfortunately, not in psychology (far from it, tbh). I've always been interested in neuroscience as well as the human behavior, brain and mind hence, I involve myself in studies that are related to it as much as I can. Also, I wish you goodluck on your degree I'm not sure why my comments keep getting cut off mid sentence, sorry for spamming gaaaah. :<

    Aster June 19, 2021 4:33 pm
    I'm glad my insights made you at ease. I'm in the medical field as well (I won't specify exactly what area) but unfortunately, not in psychology (far from it, tbh). I've always been interested in neuroscience a... 誠治

    Ahahah it’s okk! Good luck on your studies too!

    Yu Yang's bitch July 8, 2021 3:08 pm
    Possible, although I can't say that this is the case for everyone who suffers from DID. When these alters take over, they often talk and act differently. We have seen Ray to be speaking the same language as his... 誠治

    I live for this

Aster June 18, 2021 8:58 am

To be continued YESSSSSS

Aster June 18, 2021 2:12 am

Just literally woke up to this, my day is complete.

Aster June 16, 2021 1:20 am

Idk what to feel about the 2nd couple, they’re technically brothers on the papers plus they were each others triggers of toxicity. I don’t feel any chemistry between them except possessiveness, esp on Doyoon’s side. Pink hair actually got better outlook on what he’s done and was considering to change for the better, (though idk what he wants to change I think he was already better with the manager) Doyoon was the one holding him down bcs pink hair knows he is near, he’s waiting what his reaction is. For me it’s just like a previously obsessed person wanting for approval of moving on/ change. Like 50/50 I want to change/ I want Doyoon. Then all of a sudden Doyoon appeared -__-

Aster June 14, 2021 9:17 am

We have another extra AAAAA

Aster June 7, 2021 12:38 pm

I’ve come to the point that I’ve memorized their lines... now what... I beg the author to give us sequel...please I beg

    Miru June 11, 2021 9:25 am

    same... hopefully it will come out

Aster June 5, 2021 10:34 am

I refuse to believe this is complete. WHERE’S MY CHAP6? I NEED EXTRAS PLS

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