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Hattiert created a topic of Please Behave, My Wife

Thank you translators for your hard work. I understand your position to drop this. I’ll still bookmark in hopes someone picks it up.

Hattiert created a topic of Doctor Elise

I can see what’s coming. She really loves the brother, but has been told she has some medical condition she doesn’t want to saddle him with (cue Superman music here) This is a job for Dr. Extraordinaire, Elise!

Hattiert created a topic of Please Behave, My Wife

I only read chapter 61 today so April 1st didn’t occur to me. I was going to comment, wth hell is this?!? Will they drop their other story, too?!? I saw y’all’s comments and felt a huge relief. Lol.

Hattiert created a topic of Please Behave, My Wife

It seems the mom had something to do with this second chance. The timing was just too perfect. Could she have sacrificed herself for this chance?

Of course there’s another possibility, which I hate. What if the mom knew her time was at an end so she tried to convince fl to re-marry. That brought about so much despair that the mom simply passed away that night. What if fl passed out or hit her head after hearing the news and is in a coma right now, replaying what could have been.

Lol, can y’all tell I’ve read a lot of these time travel stories? The second possibility is just too tragic and between what I’ve read here so far and the author’s other story, doesn’t seem like they write tragedies. Fingers crossed.

I can’t tell you all how many times I was ready to delete this, but I’ve invested too much time and it appears we’re finally getting to the big ending. I really like this. However, it’s been dragging for so long. Cheers to everyone that hung in there, like me. Hope it’ll be worth it.

Hattiert created a topic of Please Behave, My Wife

Omg! I was right in my last comment. The only thing I didn’t know is they had a daughter. I actually had tears in my eyes on the last two chapters. How freaking heartbreaking. Though I’ve loved this since chapter 1, knowing their other life background will make watching them in this new chance so much sweeter.

Lol, I saw in the comments where people are feeling pity for Callis, against their will so others advised them to re-read the first few chapters and that’d take care of that! I had no pity problems, but I couldn’t believe all that crap happened that early on so I thought I’d check it out. I just finished chapters 1-5. I hate Callis even more. Unfortunately, now that I’ve started to re-read it I can’t stop. It’s even better the second time around.

I’m not liking this new twist. I’m seeing huge unnecessary drama over…it’s your baby, his baby, her baby….ugh! Another 30 chapters of blame, misunderstandings, responsibility issues. I hope I’m wrong because I really like this story. The sad truth? Even if this plays out as my stated worst case scenario, I’ll keep reading, lol.

Yay! She’s finally approved. They’re getting closer. Mom and dad are ready for something to happen. Did you see the smile on Dad’s face? He knew

Hattiert created a topic of Please Behave, My Wife

Oh! Another clue…..please know this is not a spoiler, clues are given so I’m just trying to figure things out. Okay, initially I thought ml died by walking across the street when the walk sign came on, but someone ran the light and killed him. BUT, just now she said she knew he’d die for her and that those words don’t need to be said. So now I’m wondering if he saw her walking across the street in the same situation and he pushed her out of the way and died in her stead.

Hattiert created a topic of Lucia

While I preferred the old art style, I don’t feel this is too bad. I’ve seen stories come back with men looking like little tin soldiers with make-up on and the women looking like kewpie dolls. I’ve seen lots come back with generic faces with different hair and eye color. So, I’m okay with this. Plus I LOVE this story, so I’ll happily continue reading it

I really enjoyed this one. Yes, there was a problem with the artwork towards the end, small head on big body, but I don’t care. The story was awesome and I enjoyed every bit of it. The villains were freaking great and the progression was IMO was perfectly paced. What a great read.

Hattiert created a topic of Always a Catch

I just binge read this because I forgot too much. I so love Mimi! I love her entire family. No wonder the prince loves her so much. Just like the crown prince from the other country married to Mimi’s sister. They can chill and just have fun with that family. So glad this is updating again.

Hattiert created a topic of Daisy(Lisabel)

I’ve loved this story from the beginning. I know that some think this arc is prolonging the story, but I don’t. The curse has been a central point from the beginning. Finally getting rid of the brother and his lunatic wife was satisfying, but the curse has to be dealt with. I’m really liking this approach because we get to see the ml from the past. I like that the spirit realized she made a mistake and tried to help, but fl ended up in the past.

I’m looking forward to seeing what the ml went through and his emotions and reactions to Daisy. I’m interested in seeing how the spirit reacts when she sees Daisy in this timeline. I’m hoping Daisy will be able to tell him how beautiful their lives were and Zed is still alive in her second life. Y’all I’m super excited about where this is going!!

I know lots of y’all have problems with this story, plot progression and characters. Your reasons are valid, but for some reason I’m really enjoying this even with all its flaws. I’m especially loving this arc.

Hattiert created a topic of Papa Wolf and the Puppy

Thank you for the note. I’ve never seen the relationship as weird. Potato and “momma” are just fine. If red hair and black hair get together, that’d be awesome. I’m cheering for them. I agree, those uncomfortable should just drop it. I’m sick of hearing the whining about it. If you feel there’s something wrong, why are you still here? Anyway, I’ll continue to enjoy the story.

I’m wondering if Lucy’s grandmother is interested in Eciel because of the affect she’s had on Claire in helping her understand complex human nature. Being able to empathize with others is a huge plus I think. OR……it could be Lucy telling her grandmother about what Eciel said to her about all the things Claire enjoyed and that she would never understand because she didn’t have a twin. Maybe Lucy wants to be able to feel those things, too.

I can’t believe I lasted this long. This story had such a great start. But now it feels like some kids putting on a play with a script they wrote themselves.

ML: I can’t imagine anyone in the palace or the nobility having any faith in him. He’s weak and pathetic. At his age he didn’t have enough courage to stand up to daddy about his marriage? So we go through a bunch of ridiculous tasks that felt like a reality show. The guy constantly passes out from working too hard. Learn to delegate or leave.

FL: Again, it’s like kids are writing these lines. Her conversation with the knight in Ch 91 had me shaking my head and giggling. Apparently she’s an experienced military strategist and the knight decides, rather than discuss her childish ideas with the king, he’ll just bow down to her every whim.

Isabella: So, this complete lunatic was locked up by her family. She had ZERO power. She disgraced herself and her family. Nobles who helped with their ridiculous schemes were ruined. Yet somehow this little insane girl takes over her house. All the servants, family knights, nobility and commoners follow her like she’s Joan of Arc, instead of the obvious nut job that she is. YES! Let’s all put our lives in her hands. Kill my sister because she’s a witch. This has nothing to do with me being spurned. If the king won’t marry me, we’ll kill him, too. This crazy kid has managed to raise an army powerful enough to challenge a kingdom’s army?!?

I don’t know why I stuck with this so long. It’s like watching a train wreck…..horrible to look at, but too unbelievable to turn away. Well, chapters 90 and 91 snapped me back to reality and I’m finally turning away. Sorry this so long, just had to get this out there before I left.

Holy crap! My life has gotten ridiculously busy so I’m way behind on chapter updates. I’m finding I like it. Reading 9 chapters just now was incredible. How exciting was this?!? My heart rate was seriously going up every chapter. I felt like I was there, lol. I feel as exhausted as our characters. To the author/artist, THANK YOU for such an amazing ride.