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Kdot March 19, 2021 8:20 am

First of all our MC was abused for about 9 years, this causes stunted development in real people so why would she be different? Secondly, she was locked up in a cabin for 9 years with her only human interaction being abuse, so why do you expect her to see the things that are normal to us as normal to her? Thirdly, she says, when she is speaking to the crown prince, that she has no memories from before she was 7. This means that she has only ever known abuse and mistreatment.

When you add all of that up together it should not surprise you that you get a girl with the mind of a child (as she was never given the freedom to grow), a girl who is constantly afraid and second guessing everything even when she has evidence ( because as far as she knows this is just another ploy to gain her trust(like the count did), give her a sense of safety (like the count did), and then completely obliterate both), and a girl who does not know how to express herself or her feelings (because she was never able to). So all of you hating a$$ bïtchès in the comments need to check yourselves because you’re being fûçkīng stupid.

If you made it this far, thank you for listening to my rant and I’m sorry it was so long .

    Jadeswan March 19, 2021 12:19 pm

    The problem lies in the extremely shallow writing. If you want to see it as a work portraying about a serious abused regressed child... it’s not. Author dedicates pages and pages of pretty fashion shows and how pretty she looks when she’s sleeping or walking or trembling in fear. If you want to see it as a story about a child fighting against her destiny from her past life... it’s not. She’s constantly second guessing and frightened. Ok we’re getting somewhere.

    But wait... the story just barely moves at a snail pace, and you’ll find ITS THE READERS who are filling in the story, offering theses after theses like yours about FL’s abused background. Well intentioned, deep analyses fill the comment section, when the actual story was never that deep. NOTHING was mentioned about her abuse that tells me author has been on the same page as these readers. Hailynn runs away from her nightmares and kidnapping in flowery backgrounds, and that tells me all there is to know about where this is going.

Kdot March 18, 2021 10:17 pm

The chancellor really said

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