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Master Of Unpopular Opinions's feed

Okay, so first, not story related-
But this publishing company whose name shall not be pronounced here or your comment disappears, is getting worse by the day.
Their typesetting is more and more fucked up and the frequency of typos is getting closer to the number of wrong choices i made in my life.
I'm 40 and naive af, i made A LOT.

The story now. Well... It was okay.
Season 1was hilarious,
Season something else was interesting
(I think i saw 3 seasons but icant really tell which starts/ends where),
Conclusion is pretty... Bland.

The art is... Honestly some backgrounds on some panels are crazy good, but the chara design is cute but basic.

And Evan somehow fell into a plot hole at some point. He did his scenaristic tool's job of being a potential love rival then poof, nothing more even though he gave some antagonist vibes.

I don't have much to say, it's a bit of a let down.

Oh and i can't get past the fact that sparkleslucy piss like a male dog. This is anatomically impossible for a female.

Not even gonna rant about these not at all korean characters sometimes bow and call each other hyung, it's pointless given paragraph 1.