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mama d asked a question

Any bl recs where mc/uke runs away from ml/seme? Or like seme runs away from uke ?

mama d asked a question

Any bl recs where the ml locks the mc up in a house including an era where the mc runs away for a while

mama d asked a question

does anyone know what bl this is? So mc was the semes secretary and then they saw each other at a gay bar and eventually started being like contractual fuck buddies but then mc started falling in love with seme but something happens and mc quits and then something else happens and then the seme starts his chasing arc but it’s also highkey stalking and seme rlly like cheeseburgers for some reason lol

mama d answered question about question
I stopped reading/watching it when I realized nanami was gonna die (still haven’t watched that ep yet or anything after) all these deaths feel so unnecessary and I just can’t do it anymore I gotta do me bro and my happiness is not on geges radar
mama d answered question about being single
I been saying this foreverrrr light hair x darker hair color or light eyes x darker eyes Weirdly enough fucking darker skin x white pale chalky snow white white skin None of these are wrong I’m just saying especially for the skin part it’s giving fetish it’s giving kink it’s giving weirdness especially with how many I’ve noticed just......
mama d answered question about question
My entire dads side of the family is soooo huge and well known that I can’t date other black ppl in my city bc they could be a cousin My dad is pretty well known so when we go out he always gets random ppl coming up to him to say hi, lots know me just bc im his daughter My moms side of the family is also huge and one of my cousins and her fam......
mama d answered question about confession
mama d asked a question

Any recommendations where the mc gets abused by their family and maybe gets revenge on them?

mama d answered question about make a picrew
Me with literally what I’m wearing lmao Me as what I wanna look like aka a rich girl with these damn braces off and my hair long a luscious Me in a fantasy setting bc this is pretty lore accurate to how I usually draw my avatar lmfao Peep my dog in every universe bc I can’t live without him
mama d asked a question

Any recommendations where it’s lovers to enemies

mama d asked a question

Does anyone know a bl where the uke has shaved eyebrows bc his older brother is really protective of him and without his eyebrows he looks scary but he’s actually really wholesome and the top falls in love with him once he realizes??? I might’ve butchered that but it’s been years so I can’t rlly remember

mama d asked a question

Any recommendations where mc runs away from ml??? Bl or otherwise is okay I’m desperate

mama d asked a question

Trashy bls where the uke runs away from the seme??? Pls I have the burning desire to read trash plots I literally can’t stop

mama d asked a question

Any bls where the mc runs away from the ml bc he’s a piece of trash??? Literally the worst trope I know but sometimes I just wanna read trashy tropes okay

mama d answered question about explain your username
I used to go by Dino on here but now I’m a mom so mama d
mama d answered question about weird dreams
1. Anything teen manga or wtv they’re called uploads bc that shit is awful 10 times outta 10 2. Anything where the mc is a girl hiding as a boy feels very queer bait to me sometimes and other times the second hand embarrassment seems like it’s out to get me fr 3. Anything with vampires tbh bc it’s always gonna be cringe somehow some way 4......
mama d answered question about question
mama d answered question about question
Grown folk acting like TODDLERS just fucking disgusting
mama d answered question about first kiss
I was in 6th grade so.. like 11? 12? Started out on fanfiction dot net reading fanfics before I actually got into yaoi so it started and all went downhill from there
mama d asked a question

Yall what’s that one story where the uke is banging his ex and the ex’s dad?? Like the ex brought him in and mc played as the daughter in law for the dad but then ex brought a girl over and then leaves and then blah blah mc gets adopted by the dad but is still banging him and the ex comes back but mc is topping him this time