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Bro omg, most of these ukes are so flat their asses are like inverted but DAMN LMFAOO bro was carrying an entire bakery with him

Honestly could've been worse, atleast it was quick

You know, if the artist leaves out certain parts of the story, I'd be totally chill with her cutting out the entirety of kdj talking at that scene Actually I'm praying the artist has pity on us and doesn't draw it

IShouldntBeHere created a topic of Turning

Unsure if I'm stupid and misread the actual novel or if it's this off but I'm pretty sure the translation is wrong? There's some lines that I feel are meant to say " he" instead of yuder saying "I"

Girl pls just get with him , I don't care if you like eunhyuk pls just be with dohwa it's the better option omfg