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Camelia's feed

Camelia created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

Just saw the raws for side stories named "If, 3" including TS, Minhyuk and SY. I guess it's ment to be AU for what if the 3 of them were together. And honestly I'm a bit disappointed. Through the story we were able to see that author likes to put rape and violence wherever she can and every single sex scene even if it's let's say vanilla, looks more like torture than pleasure. (It was kinda toleratable because story itself was dark with topics of mafia life, violence, etc) Now these side stories are AU for seems like bdsm relationship between 3 of them, and every single chapter looks like some rape + bdsm filled porn. (Nothing wrong with kinks, bdsm and similar stuff, but reading chapters where mc looks like he'll be killed by those dicks isn't most pleasurable thing tbh)
I expected sidestories to be a sneak peak into SY's and TS's relationship because TS has to fix so many things and maybe sneak peak to where Minhyuk went. Honestly hoping we'll get something like that after this pornographic glorification of rape (SY's faces are so hard to look at, bro looks like he's in more pain than pleasure being stuffed by pp from both sides)

Sorry for such weird explanation, English is my 2nd language so some things can sound off.