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Makkaee created a topic of High Clear

I am so happy they actually communicated.

Makkaee created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Feeling like that meme cat because ahhhhhhh my babies are finally together!! I love them so much and YASSSSSS! Calion is fucking dead!

Makkaee created a topic of The Color of the Night

Girlies and gays, lemme know if this one is good to read.

Makkaee created a topic of Can't Think Straight

YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW!! You go Garam!! I knew he wasn't gonna take none of Jaehyuk's shit.

Makkaee created a topic of Full volume

Also that speech bubble being switched was so funny!


Jiskar, please get the fuck away from Ray. Don't think I have forgiven your ass. I am here for the plot, not your stupid love.

Makkaee created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

REEEEEE I LOVE SETH AND THEO!! BWAT never disappoint! I love their writing so much

Makkaee created a topic of High Clear


Also fuck Doyoon! He is so hot but he is so trashy like if you just didn't talk (opposite of the problems the main couple have) then you would be so nice to look at!!

Makkaee created a topic of Full volume

I AM DEAD!!! Did you get it Papa Sa?? Dowon is a homosexual! A lover of man!! He is an anal penetration aficionado! He loves dicks and balls slapping against each other!

This has to be the best coming out ever. And I love Mamma Sa. She knows what her children are up to.

Makkaee created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Jaehyuk's dumbass needs to communicate better. I know Garam is worried because Jaehyuk is straight and he doesn't want to get involved in relationships. Jaehyuk needs to stop chasing and give space to Garam. It's so frustrating reading this because no one in this communicates their feelings out properly. Garam is avoiding Jaehyuk because he knows Jaehyuk likes him, and Garam needs to make that clear to Jaehyuk that he doesn't want all of that.

Makkaee created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

RAHHHHH I HATE CAIN!!! NEED HIM DEAD FOR REAL!!! He better be dead dead!!

I know Seth is gonna be alright. His pookie bear Theo will save him with the power of love hehehehe

Makkaee created a topic of Sunday's Consolation

I am seeing mixed reactions in the comments. I need someone to tell me if this is good enough. Does it have rape or like red flag ML?

Makkaee created a topic of Full volume

Shawty got slapped and leaked fountain inside Beom's ass and then continued to fuck him... FLAVOR IS FLAVORING! The BDSM is BDSMing!!

Makkaee created a topic of High Clear

Rape is indeed rape, but we all know Juwon is not gonna care about it. He will probably just find it hot and be happy. If it was anyone else but Juwon, then taking advantage of a drunk person just ain't it. But Jeongmin is also drunk and they got this weird communication problems so I don't know what to think.

Makkaee created a topic of Gokutora no Honey Bunny

This is the sign you needed! Read it!! ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

I knew that bitch was trouble. Yurito needs to listen to Coro ffs. And bruh, why would he get his eyes licked like that. That was something I never expected. And omg poor Coro. Yurito's dumbass better find him quick.

ME TOO SHOUTA ME TOO!! I would be biting cute baby cheeks too. The urge is always strong. They have such squishy cheeks

Gotta wait until Dec 9th for second season TT I already know the spoilers of the novel but I can't wait to read the manhwa till the end! All the best to the artist and writer! Take as long of a break as they need to get rest.

Makkaee created a topic of Full volume

SLAYYYYY!!! DOWON AND BEOM ARE BACK!!! I love the difference in their energy. Dowon better let my Snow Tiger rest more before I kick his ass.

Makkaee created a topic of Jinx

I kid you not, it's fiction, I get that, but I wanna fucking hurl. Posession? My heart hurts for Dan. I knew that Jaekyung could never be redeemed, but doing that to Dan without his awareness?? To hell with Dan's consent and awareness and choice and whatnot, huh. Mingwa, wtf are you trying to write? I didn't expect this to be this abusive. BJ Alex was so tamed compared to this.