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SadeReader's feed

I'm genuinely surprised that the author isn't sick of bringing Jihyeok in at this point. He serves no purpose and he's just irritating. Like, please come up with a new way to do whatever he's doing, if anything at all. He just shows up, irritates people and then someone gets rid of him.
And second, I hate this fucking trope of mistaken confessions. All it does is give a nice ML a glimmer of hope just to take it away and make him miserable. That's about it. One could say that it's also used to propel the FL into feeling something for him that she wouldn't have felt with the current state of their relationship, or to make the audience sympathise with the ML, but a better way to achieve these would be to have the ML confess his feelings to the FL, then get rejected. This also allows the audience to relate more to the FL, since she's not the one in the wrong because of a stupid mistake.
I don't mind it all that much when it's used comically, but when it takes a more somber approach like this, it's just annoying.