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E_e created a topic of Villain Classroom

I dont know why they thought she'd do anything different. She is honestly a different type of mental illness and as frustrating as it is she's so me in a revenge situation. Litteraly no thoughts head empty just hands.

This is a strong female protagonist right here. Not cruel or abrasive but strong and confident. I love it. I haven't seen one like this since Golden time. I want to know about her time on earth and her older sister. They are such lovely Characters. I also want Cinderella to become strong and see the error of her ways. I like how this is going but I don't want to see her sister become a 2d white lotus

E_e created a topic of Juvenile Offender

If this man ever becomes free (our mc) he would have the sickest book deal known to man. This man 100% needs to write an autobiography about his life so bc I'm so sure he won't get honest work lol.

E_e created a topic of My Glow Up Story

WHY WOULD SHE WORK IT OUT WITH HIM! PLEASE I NEED TO SEE THE MEN PUNICHED AS WELL. WHY IS IT JUST THE WOMEN I had so much faith the next arc was going to focus on the fiance!

E_e created a topic of My Glow Up Story

Like a scheming fox. Idk if she's cool or not but she looks like she's up to something lol

E_e created a topic of Juvenile Offender

I'm so sorry but at this point the only way he'd get peace is to just not have him alive. He seems legitimately crazy I don't think normal revenge would work lol.

E_e created a topic of Sakamoto Days

How does he adapt so fast???

E_e created a topic of Igyou Atama-san to Ningen-chan

Please I just want them to talk and for her to understand that his family is nuts. Is it so hard to create conflict without misunderstanding or poor communication?

E_e created a topic of The Story of the Kiwi Bird

Then I saw the tags. I can't with you people

E_e created a topic of Shiina-san, Numattemasu.

I do not understand how he has negative rizz. This whole time he has been a slob that has an unhealthy work life balance and the girl has to take care of three teenagers, be the primary bread winner of the house hold at age 23, while balancing this man's house work. He had the nerve to propose when he brings nothing but more work to the table. Then he had the audacity to see that gross line. Give me my 15 minutes back of reading this slop.

Han Bin been looking extra pretty lately

It says end if main story so I'm curious if there's more.

E_e created a topic of Juvenile Offender

Im glad this was brought up. I thought it was a style choice but no homie really did file his teeth and the dentist was horrified. Side note: with such teeth wouldn't they need to be removed and he get dentures? Those are litteral weapons lol

This gotta be his evil brother "the hole"

E_e created a topic of My Glow Up Story

Has she ever considered that she's miserable because she's doing this to herself. Comparing yourself to others and only obtaining joy from ruining others will 100% lead to your own downfall.

This series is so entertaining but the long update waits have ne pulling my hair out.
Side note are the police always just useless in eastern countries???? Why did no one think to just call the police or record anything? Contracts are void if signed under duress and bbg is pretty freaking stressed with them LITTERALY KIDDNAPPING AND TORTURING HER FIANCÉE! If in Korea contracts arn't void if signed under duress that's extremely sad. Anyways I HATE the brother because he's just a really stupid villain. Anyone that has an iota of sense and is power hungry wouldn't antagonize the person with SUPER POWERS!!!! They really need to see "The Boys" them people at Vought are evil as hell but make the Super damaged enough that they relie on them instead of making them independent. The one black guy (pretty sure his name is Edgar) got the most over powered person on his side by manipulating her to think he loves her like a daughter. That's evil done right lmao.

E_e created a topic of Into My Forties

I've read this before but I can't find the other name. I promise the other name had so many more chapters.

E_e created a topic of Loveless Heroine

I'm so serious I would not survive because I'm so disagreeable. Why do all the people just insist on pushing boundaries. Its so frustrating.

E_e created a topic of Juvenile Offender

This man better not roll up his pant or arm sleeves talking bout "akshully". I love the series and don't want it to drag out and become mid.

E_e created a topic of Hagoromo Mishin

Sorry I never understood that part.