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So let me get this straight IDIOT!
You see a little girl, has nothing but good intentions, wants to be family HAS SUPER POWERS and your first instinct is to terrorize, bully , demean her!? And when she snaps because YOU KILLED HER HAMSTER is to then rationalize she's a monster. Bro is projecting so hard he could get a job at AMC. I wish I could shake this man.

I don't even understand why the "godess" would summon so many people just to screw them over. Also why is she a "godess" when she litteraly just leads people to hell. She should be in the hell division with that cyclops thing.

So how old was she when she first died? Like I honestly don't get why they show us these stories from when they're six. Lady looked early twenties and she just acts super childish. Like bro she has all her memories but she doesn't grasp the seriousness of her situation at times. I only read the first 2 chapters but she's so...weird... crushing on a six year old. Ew. I seriously need to understand why no one commented about this.

These side characters so cute I don't want them to die to wannabe creepy pasta man

E_e created a topic of Juvenile Offender

How is this man's life a Greek tragedy. Bro how bored are these 9th graders that they managed to kill and torture his whole family. For what? Being poor? What type of mess is this honestly.

E_e created a topic of THE VIRGIN WITCH

Like this man a freak
Did I see Hollow knight, Harbin Hotel and what looks like Jax from the Amazing digital Circus?

This man is such a niche person for quality control on this manga and the Lloyd one. I fw you heavy

Girl why did you think the man that tried to kill you 3 seperate times, your boyfriend and poison a whole village for a motel 6 would change if you threatened him lightly. Why wouldn't you go straight to the police or at least hide your boyfriend???? HE'S TRIED TO HAVE YOU KILLED WHAT DID YOU EXPECT?

E_e created a topic of Onna No Ko Ga Iru Basho Wa

People I'm guessing in the west are talking about how this is hijab removal = freedom propaganda. Dunno I mean she's been forced to wear it and where she is marriage as a woman seem to = freedom. It's not like that over here so I get her motivations. Of course wearing a hijab doesn't impede her from kicking the ball but she doesn't want to just kick a ball. She wants to play withbher friend that's a boy and thats seen as socially unacceptable since she's no longer a kid. I feel like people aren't actually reading the story and just getting mad.

E_e created a topic of Revenge Channel Uramin

There's more atrocities than just rape. Though I guess sexual assault is very common in Japan and not talked about enough apparently. Though my gosh why is every man in this comic either straight up evil or spineless. The husband does seem to break that mold though with how concerned he is.

Bro has been fighting nonstop for 23+ years of course he doesn't want to fight anymore. I understand his reluctance in wanting to continue when he had to kill his mentor. So many reasons why he's like this and y'all are just dismissing the story and saying it fell off.


HOW IS HE SO ACCURATE???? AND WHY IS HE THE ONLY ONE THAT BROUGHT THAT UP!!! THE DOCTORS NEED TO RETIRE OML!!! That's honestly so funny bc what if she rolls a nat +20 in deception and just plays it off.

E_e created a topic of The Demon King's Champion

I read it all in a day or two and I dunno it was really odd? Like what the hell is that box and why those 3 specific people. I feel so bad for the mc he has to stay in a dungeon forever now :/

E_e created a topic of Hoshino-kun, Shitagatte!

She pissed me off by trying to rob the dude. I would be so disgusted. Y'all in the comments need better female relationships in your life I promise you.

E_e created a topic of newcomers turn low at night

Bro no shade but did nobody proof read this?

Bro if I was working and some 30 year old woman came to disturb me... I would be so HEATED bro. YOURE A 30 YEAR OLD WOMAN ACT LIKE IT!! She is acting legitimately like a kid. It's pissing me off, go legitimately do something else. Bro has no hobbies

E_e created a topic of Infectee

Please anyone pick this up it's such a nice story ;;;-;;;

High key would be interesting if the woman weren't stereotypes (but it's porn so whatever). I'm more interested in seeing different body types so far its just tall and short with huge breasts lol. Also it's high key creepy of the world tree to summon a dude then force him (litteraly with death) to have sex with other people. It's creepy bc this man litteraly can't consent at all during this... Would be funny if the world tree turned out to be the villian.

E_e created a topic of My Fluffy Soulmate

I only skimmed through the first chapter. So the author definitely using 3d models to trace over. Nothing wrong with that it's just I notice the poses are really stiff. This person's art is alot better than mine it's just funny how the body language doesn't translate well.

E_e created a topic of My Dog Becomes a Human

I love this art and this plot is pretty funny but... the dogs are litteraly human now and its weird people just take them on walks with a leash... why not use those child harnesses until they have sense. They all seem to have at least an eight grader's intelligence... I dunno it just seems really odd they continue to treat them as well dogs and not human. And that adult woman who simply after her poodle is SUPER uncomfortable to me lol