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woonis created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Oh my fuck I love them so much

woonis created a topic of Love in Orbit
woonis created a topic of Fight Club

I think that this manhwa has a great concept, but it could use more filler. It feels like everything is moving way too fast, to the point where I feel like I'm watching a collage of their relationship. I think this would be best if it was stretched out to twice the length it is now. When things move too fast, you miss out on the little plot points, which are oftentimes the thing that makes you want to read something.

woonis created a topic of Nerd Project

I think this is the first time I've seen a top actually struggle while giving head. Cool!

woonis created a topic of Nerd Project
woonis created a topic of The Titan's bride

I'm genuinely surprised this manhwa is still going

I think it's silly that junseop was the one who had to apologize... I mean, bro WAS forced into fucking a dude when he was previously straight. He was kinda just telling it like it is.

woonis created a topic of Double Trap

This chapter was awfully short took like 20 seconds to read

woonis created a topic of Mr. Kang's Son-in-law

Bro's gotta STOP calling himself daddy

woonis created a topic of Jinx
woonis created a topic of 1 to 10

This is so silly but I just love how the artist draws penises... Usually when you see them uncensored in manga it's gross and jarring, but these look really nice and realistic while still being palatable. Also the same is so hot.

woonis created a topic of Jinx

Author are you fucking kidding me. First jk throws away Dan's present, and now the poor kid's grandma is re-dying of cancer???? Kys

woonis created a topic of Nerd Project
woonis created a topic of Comes In Threes
woonis created a topic of Full volume

This shits so predictable top is restrained and breaks out and powerfucks bottom

woonis created a topic of Full volume

I love them and all but like ... Can the author hold a serious moment for more than 10 panels without making them fuck

woonis created a topic of Nerd Project

Finally!!! I love that Andrew is chasing Luke instead now.

woonis created a topic of Comes In Threes

Every ml in this is shit it's like watching a car crash, you can't look away but you want to (especially with that artstyle lmao)