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woonis created a topic of Our Sunny Days
woonis created a topic of High Clear

This sex scene was really, really good. I actually like how they didn't talk during, it made it pretty realistic. Sometimes the smut scene dirty talk is so cringe it puts me off a series, but this was great.

woonis created a topic of Delivery Complete
woonis created a topic of Jinx

I'm getting tired of this man lol

woonis created a topic of Comes In Threes

I'm so sorry, I tried my hardest to get through this chapter but I had to click off when I saw mc's ahegao while he was getting fingered it was so bad. I got like a guttural urge to run away. Shit was fight or flight for me. He just looked so ugly

woonis created a topic of 20-Year-Old College Jocks

Her jaw is gonna BREAK sucking that

woonis created a topic of Jinx

actually fucking rolled my eyes at the end of the chapter this shit was ass