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GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

Not sure if this is a controversial take or not, but I genuinely believe that Yahwi broke Jooin down emotionally to the point that he was no longer capable of believing in or pursuing a relationship with him, Cain, or anyone else for the foreseeable future. Yahwi’s carelessness, callousness, and emotional whiplash deeply hurt (and traumatized?) Jooin to the point where he lost the capacity to trust or believe in relationship and now he is so emotionally drained and distrustful that he even pushed Cain away despite their strong potential for a healthy and loving supportive relationship after Jooin and Yahwi split. I know Yahwi has trauma, but that doesn’t give you a pass to deliberately treat people like shit. All three of them have personal and communication issues, but in my opinion, even though he doesn’t necessarily intend to be, Yahwi is the villain

GODZILLA followed a goer
09 12,2023
GODZILLA created a topic of Yours to Claim

Interesting now that Cain is gone, I wonder if yahwi will once again try take advantage. Especially now with Jooin being in a more vulnerable position at the moment. Yahwi did wish Cain hurt jooin so much that it make Jooin look his way. I hope it doesn't happen. Jooin don't give in please don't. Even if you want to erase the pain. Don't give in.

GODZILLA created a topic of Yours to Claim

Saw two people mention things and I think others should see it. Jooin isn't selfish, or any negative connotation but rather he's a afraid, that what we have been seeing all along. He's been afraid to make a choice. Afraid to what it will lead after experiencing what he wanted at first treated him so coldly. Because if was selfish he would not be so miserable and in a emotional mess.

Thank you users; for saying this.

GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

cain HAS to be end game. he just has to. his story is so sad. yahwi’s past seems so mediocre compared to cain’s. like who cares about yahwi anymore

GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

"You realize the value of what you have only until you've lost it."

You had him in reach hands, but you kept playing push-and-pull games with him. That's only because he was around and you knew you could still tame him and he will take it. But, now that he has decided to let go of the rope you used to control him and left you, you are talking about bitterness? I'm speechless.

I won't call you an idiot, selfish, or any other type of negative connotation. No, I will not! Instead, what you are is afraid. You are afraid to choose because you are afraid to love and be loved. But mostly, you are afraid of yourself. You believe that you will not meet the expectations of the one you decide to choose. How would you know the future if you haven't even given the present a chance?

At last, you who have let the rope go, run. Run far away and never look back. Change a phone number, a name, or a country. And, indeed, the pain of having loved the one who could not love you back will take a while to go away but trust that with time, it will. And, when that time comes, you'll finally be able to smile and enjoy the smallest things in life. Then, make sure you find yourself the one who deserves your love. Allow yourself to love and to be loved by someone. Don't close your heart to love forever.

And you who have been clinging, in an illegal way, to the fearful one, please, take time to heal. Don't narrate to yourself that by being in a relationship despite your toxic personality, things will get better. No, they will not. You need medical help to heal from all your past demons. Then once you have healed, find yourself the one who will guide you upward and not downward. And, you, in return, have to play the same role as the one who'll let you in their heart. Don't rape, abuse, or manipulate them. And stop using your past to justify your actions. Face the present moment and learn to live in it. Be each other's source of support.

Lastly, to You who are afraid to choose, accept the loss and take time to heal. Take time to be with yourself. There are maybe 4 billion men on the planet, and I'm sure there'll be one you'll be able to choose for yourself. Learn to take risks in love and learn to say no when you come across someone who abuses you in the relationship from the get-go. Don't be someone's puppet but instead be each other's source of strength, comfort, and trust.

GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

It's like most of yall forget Jooin was close to asking Cain to stay but before he could Cain said he had unfinished business. Do you all really think Jooin was gonna continue to tell him to stay after being told that?? His mother help realize something but it was to late. Stuff like this happens. Let Jooin be fucking sad so he can relaize he mess up, it's close to showing us his chasing arc.

GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

Jooin is miserable but he's not putting the blame on cain, yall should chill. After treating cain rather poorly these last couple chapters I believe we'll now get to his chasing arc which I need so bad, ugh. Cain deserves to be chased
Also I believe nobody's perfect and we all come with flaws. Same thing goes for Jooin, I think a lot of people are being too harsh on him.

GODZILLA created a topic of Yours to Claim

Wait did Jooin remember his past after Cain retell their past or is just repeating what he said???
It's been around a year since they met and a year they knew each in the past. Something is connecting.
Seeing how they died in winter but met in spring in their new life. I have a feeling they met again in spring since currently it about to winter (remember in S2 Cain said he would leave in winter) ITS ALL CONNECTING
AND YOOOOO I think Jooin is about to enter his chasing arc.

I keep seeing people say why Jooin upset after he's the one told him go back. Did yall not see that Jooin was about to give an answer to Cain until he was interrupted. How is he still gonna tell Cain to stay after Cain told him he has unfinished things? Yall call him selfish but he was being selfless by wanting Cain not to ruin his life by staying beside him. After today Jooin finally realized how hurtful its been for Cain he said it would've been better if it overflood but it came in dripping by drip so that's why he's so conflicted with his emotions.

Excited about this one. Heard many good things from korean and intl novel readers. It's a heavy story but many said they love the realistic atmosphere of it and it's definitely a proper historical fantasy. It even has real life events, music and quotes in the story.

GODZILLA created a topic of A Terrible Romance

I'm gauge my eyes out, were only a few chapters off from seeing THAT BULLSHIT!!

Remember guys your trauma doesn't excuse your behavior especially when it purposely hurts others.

GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

tbh comparing Jooins backstory with both of them, even the one with Cain seems more meaningful.
i mean hes a dog sure but they were together for a pretty long time and shared a bind and everything.

and with yahwi its just two 5 year olds playing around for a few days. like sure Jooin left a big impact on yahwi but i dont think that should excuse all the bad things he had done

GODZILLA created a topic of PLACEBO: Let's Play

Well shit. The gasp I let out when he said "playtime over" . Wooyeon does remember because he probably was thinking they were all dreams and probably knocking his head around thinking why he would have such dreams.

GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

As a person who didn't skip the story, it's pretty sweet not gonna liee. I think this story is about Jooin and his soulmate Cain. If there was a separate manhwa, same author, and it happens to be a master and his dog and the ending was tragic. Then from the very start from yours to claim everyone would be on cains side but since there was none of that. Well this story has a good amount of hate and love lol

GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

Reading the first few comments I can see why Jooin gets so much more hate compared to a rapist and abusive character. Most of those here don't actually even read the story and are so fucking disgusting with your words.

This story might not be well written but it's a good story if you pay attention with the context that leads to the next scene and how it affects the characters to act a way. But you all only do surface level reading.

Jooin is so realistic with his thinking, not because it's logical but because of how he's Self sabotaging himself because he believes he nothings. Not deserving of love and afraid that his decision will lead to ruin.

Seeing how realistic and human Jooin is and how the creator's stayed with the love triangle were most of us still are unknown who ML is, that a real love triangle not knowing who endgame is so quickly. This is why it's good but also frustrating story because the creator's are actually doing a well job because it's supposed to frustrating with moment even the characters need to figure things themselves

GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

Don't understand why people have a problem with reincarnation. We were literally introduce to it right when Cain showed up. It's a main plot within the story. We saw many parallels with it, even the the title corresponds to it, it has a dog leash in the logo, the cover has Cain in the leash by Jooin hand the previous banner had dog prints in the background. It's always been there.

Idk why so many are questioning it now. Many even ask what's up with the reincarnation story and when we finally get an answer it's suddenly "we don't care"?? It's part of the story you need to care when it's a big point that is shown to us since SEASON ONE

GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

I see so many people shit talking Jooin, and hey Imma be honest I was upset with his decisions a lot of the time, but I understood from where he was standing. So unsure about the choices he makes really goes more into depth of his character and I love when we get to see the troubles of human nature. I'm rooting for Jooin and Cain, but whatever Jooin decides is best for him, that includes going solo, is the side I'm really on. Also a lot of y'all being real nasty and ugly about this story and the Author. If it gets people riled up, then I believe it's a wonderful story!

GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

Ok. So, I decided to forget everything I've read of this story: chapters and its characters. To make a decision based solely on this one chapter (92).
We have Jooin, who blushed at the idea that Cain waited for him. I think he asked out of courtesy what he was thinking so hard about. It made me assume that if Cain had answered with a "nothing," perhaps Jooin would've told him his decision (for time and growth [like in "dangerous convenience store"]) but I could be wrong. Also, my heartache when Jooin said, "Just like mother said... time waits for no one." Because we first see this sign as him turning a new leaf and wanting for the other person to take action, thus we are shown Cain spooning Jooin in order for Jooin to fall asleep peacefully. Reminding us of a worried child who needed a comforted warmth of another to fall asleep. Then, we get a story about a conscious beast (wolf-dog) who one day met a human. Maybe it's only me, but when we were first introduced to Cain and his "I'm your dog" ideology I was off put. But after this chapter I can see how the beast grew attached and later on developed feelings for said human. If you think about it chimpanzees and dolphins are able to "developed feelings for humans" (articles and research based off). Anyways, if we get on the next couple of chapters Mong (Cain's wolf-dog's name) praying to the moon for reuniting with the scholar once again, I honestly wouldn't be surprised. Why? Because in this chapter we are shown that mates can be portrait as two best friends, two lovers or two lonely beings who wanted company. Also, because the scholar said the magical, cliché words: "if only you were human" (like in Master of Master.)

I believe Cain is telling the "sleeping" Jooin this story in order to let go of the past (just like "betrayal knows my name" bl.) He will go back: hopefully fix things with his family, do a career (note! Because he had said he only wanted to be with Jooin and nothing else mattered.) And if he's endgame, he will return not as a "I'm your dog" mindset but as a man who came to take what is his (if he still has a chance). Jooin, I applauded you for this chapter and hopefully the continuation of your story will be for the best.

Thanks for reading my chapter review. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~