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read spoilers and heā€™s dumb as a rock and the excuse that they provide and make him as the ML is complete BS!! like they jumped through HOOPS to excuse his behavior itā€™s actually the dumbest sh/t Iā€™ve ever read, dropped

noot noot created a topic of Rocket Science Love

the co pilotā€™s hotter

noot noot created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

whatā€™s even going on, itā€™s like theyā€™re all dead beat characters . i guess it rlly is like this after the stories ā€œend happily ever afterā€ like thereā€™s rlly not much going on fr

noot noot created a topic of Yobau Yomosugara
noot noot created a topic of Our Sunny Days
noot noot created a topic of Kill the Villainess
noot noot created a topic of Payback

omg I guess his mom did what she had to do to make sure they left that nasty crazy family

noot noot asked a question

erm why are all the recent chapters of everything not loading

infuriating slow burn / revenge but i canā€™t wait to see how it sorts out

i wonder if everything will wrap up in 3 months bc he keeps mentioning the deadline lol

noot noot created a topic of Perfect Buddy

the way weā€™d all die if we were with a brain dead guy like that

noot noot created a topic of Double Leash

one got pussy lips the other got an erect penis nose

noot noot created a topic of Limited Run

tbh the time skip was better than what couldā€™ve been 10 chaps of ā€œchasing arc but borderline assault and Stockholm syndromeā€ and a boring ending

noot noot created a topic of Secret Inside My Head

the way id dry up like a fried pussy on a burning oil pan by the way heā€™s treating people ā˜ 

noot noot created a topic of Jinx

ngl he ate that lil bit like Dan needs to wake up

read spoilers and itā€™s soā€¦ infuriating like everybody piss off rn

noot noot created a topic of The Path Of Star

i donā€™t hate it but why do I feel like the kidnapping and trauma plot came out of nowhere like they just added it to keep the story going

noot noot created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

the way the flashbacks couldā€™ve been a side story for more context bc i feel like the main story shouldā€™ve continued and we wouldā€™ve had enough context to keep reading is it jsut me idk