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natty's experience ( All 0 )

natty's answer ( All 3 )

natty 24 07,2021
This is my fantasy little brother, because in my family all of us wear glasses.. besides me for some reason HE WOULD HAVE SOME. he also has a little mole under his eye just like me, i would bully him alot but also spoil him. we would be really close and i would play with him alot, and this pic would be him at a young age (6-9 years old). very much ......   reply
24 07,2021
MY FIRST ANIME WAS UH SPIRITED AWAY IN LIKE 2009 and i used to have nightmares of my parents turning into pigs BUT NOW I LOVE THAT MOVIE SO HOW THE TURNS HAVE TABLED. and my first manga was black butler.   reply
23 05,2021
fuck.   reply
23 05,2021

natty's question ( All 0 )