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20 sep ch 8 does not load up

This is not a spoiler, Im only telling lightly what I belive might happen

Ch3 will be a tease for sure… its too soon. I laughed at dinner table ch 2

LetMiB asked a question

Ive been searching: I wont wish for anything this time
I will not ask you to love me, I will live quietly this time.
None worked so here I am T.T
What I remember
She the queen/empress whit help of a ”friend” sceamed and killed her brother (he let himself be killed) and killed her lover/husband true love so he killed himself.. and later she was killed by the people. She regret it all and return back in time trying to live quiet as a mouse but its painful to not be loved by her father yet again and staying away from the boy she loves so she travels to a summer villa where she meet ”the friend”

LetMiB created a topic of HELLCRAFT

Its like a cute cousin to death note


Dear lord, now they will either try to kill her off or force her to switch their babies

I belive she is sending all monster to mess whit him but also her world might be the cause of these rifts from the begining..
Maybe redirected them to his world to keep theirs a bit more intact/safe (deal whit devile so to speak)

LetMiB created a topic of Androgynous

I was tricked by the cover and theres no tag that shows it.
First ch I read I was hopeing he was like supernatural plant that would grow up. I was wrong and skiped thrue to ch 4 thats cover story.

LetMiB created a topic of Waterside Night

Both have messed up lifes so hope they get stable together and was that a hint of a baby?