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Irenic created a topic of Ookami-kun no Hazukashii

It's hilarious, I want more, pls update it!!!!

Irenic created a topic of Immediate Disadvantage

I don't know which gives me more second hand embarassment, seme for asking out his mom's bf or calling dad while having seggs with him

Why nobody warned me abt this being a love triangle?? It's getting my sugar low(⊙_◎)


Love the title, the story is such a drag, either the black haired mc should give proper answer or fl should ask him to give proper answer, neither is happening and poor blond mc is getting dragged in between them.

This manga just eludes gentle summer breeze that u want more of it! Craving more of it!!


It's interesting for my brain, can't wait to see how it goes!!


Am I stupid for reading this or this manga is making me stupid???

Irenic created a topic of Arpeggio on Sea Surface

Finally, caught with the story, after being bookmarked at ch.10, it's sooo good!! They portrayed relationships so realistically! I love the way how seme has his way of saying words of affirmation to comfort uke, aka the communication, no toxicity till now, yall saying that uke is so self-sabotaging but I used to believe that too, feelings like I don't deserve what I have, ppl hate me for shining more than them, can't speak my needs becoz of the past, what uke is feeling is real but he needs to seek help professionally, if he wants to get better without hurting the seme. I can't wait to see more of them!!

Irenic created a topic of Define The Relationship

Hmm...At this rate, he might get pregnant

Irenic created a topic of Jinx

Bro, he doesn't trust u from chap 1, now only u get that?

Irenic created a topic of Nukoduke!
Irenic created a topic of Slammer Dogs

I read first chapter, this feels stupid

Irenic created a topic of Evening Dinner

Lowkey, I felt uke should have left the seme for somemore days, so seme acquires few feelings to grow up

Irenic created a topic of Endland

Wow, something new! Want more!

Irenic created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits

Seriously, I know they can only lead the story to here but feels dumb

Irenic created a topic of Terano-kun to Kumazaki-kun

Wooahhh, they ooze awful amount of cuteness, my tiny heart can't handle this!!

Irenic created a topic of Shima-san

What happened to shima-san series??????

Irenic created a topic of Fairy Pairing