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Monstarbaby's experience ( All 0 )

Monstarbaby's answer ( All 11 )

I've lost my virginity at 20. And as far experience goes, they all sucked for me, well not sucked per se. I mean there was no feeling of pleasure for me. Physically there was arousal that's for sure, but there was no happy emotion released from my part. And I appreciate all of the partners I've ever had. They've all took their time and were patie......   reply
08 07,2021
18 06,2021
Like this but chubbier. Also with dark circles. With freckles, acne scars on my cheek area and also few more moles beside my philtrum and on my nose.   1 reply
18 06,2021
Orcas and any other sharks. I feel like there is so much hate on these predators, especially with the media painting them in a bad light. I hate shark movies. They're making sharks look bad. They're all vastly misunderstood creatures.   1 reply
13 06,2021

Monstarbaby's question ( All 0 )