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Nemaki created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Is it possible to fall in love with an author we don't even know in person?
Junk Seokchan, I love you!! <3 xD I can't wait for season 2.

I don't really get why there are random french words... If that was just little not important words like "oui" or "bonjour" I wouldn't mind but this mix between english and french is a bit weird...
Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining and I'm very grateful for the translations. I'm just confused lol

Nemaki created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

I watched Gladiator a few days ago... Can't help thinking of Commode lol

Nemaki created a topic of One Summer Day

Oh I just read "sign" again, and there is a lady who gives a free dumpling to soohwa when he buys one. Is it the same lady in this manga? You know, the boss who is good at combat sport?
I discovered this work yesterday so that's why I might be late haha

Nemaki created a topic of Our Sunny Days

The return to cruel reality is so hard ToT
I hope that one day, homophobia will disapear for ever. There's not a chance it will happen during my life but... I truly hope it will in the future T^T

Nemaki created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Aww I wanted to see the part in the shower :')
They're so cute gosh <3

Nemaki created a topic of Our Sunny Days

"Sorry for the long wait *bow" hahaha I love the author <3 <3 <3

Nemaki created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Please please please please... let it really be next chapter TToTT
I'm preparing myself to be disapointed... T^T but there's still hope...! *^*

That was cute. It's not often you can see a bisexual character in a yaoi!

Nemaki created a topic of The Man At Night

"Teens only"... Smells rotten o_o
Anyway she had to do those mistakes to grow up. At her age, kids think they already know everything of the world... But they clearly don't know anything at all. Remember being there too.

Nemaki created a topic of Our Sunny Days

The abandonned daughter is so strong. Forgiving your parents who abandonned you when you were just a helpless child... I could never do that.
People like her are so strong. It makes me want to cry ToT

Nemaki created a topic of Our Sunny Days

If they were cockblocked by the baby, I wouldn't have mind cause I love her so much.
But a chicken...?
I hope they'll eat it (è_é)

Nemaki created a topic of Salty Lust

Eeeeeh I thought Nux was pregnant but by reading the comments it's actually Owen who is... So that's why he became buffier? haha

Nemaki created a topic of Kusuriya no Hitorigoto

Damn it's been a while since I've read a manga that good... I'm depressed now that I have to wait for more chapters :')
The Mc reminds me of Warau kanoko sama / Koi dano Ai Dano, which I loved so much but it's more childish and shoujoish.
I hope I'll find more manga like them in the future but it's not easy to find... TT^TT

Nemaki created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

I was like "cool everything's better now they're both happy and cute kya kya"
And then I read the comment section... wtf is this war O_O
People love to make scandal out of nothing nowadays... seriously it's a shame you're doing this.

Nemaki created a topic of Honey Bear

Here comes French guy that nobody needed : "Bonjour" xD

Nemaki created a topic of Our Sunny Days
Nemaki created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Normally I don't really like when there are babies/ children in yaoi. Even if they're cute they're more a hindrance than anything, like when the 2 start to kiss or more they have to stop because the child is crying, is awake or whatever.
But here I feel like if there wasn't a baby, it would be less good. The baby adds so much sweetness to their relationship. And she's so cute I love her <3

Nemaki created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

So cruel... To think things like this happened for real is so sad.

Nemaki created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I wonder who will be seme and who will be uke though. They're both seme material xD