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Nemaki created a topic of Our Sunny Days

God I frigging can't get enough of this author's work. I love it so much it's worrying.
Aaaaaaah can't wait for next chapter already *Q* <3

It's cute and funny but too bad the mc is a young lady. She should have been like in her past, a 40 45 years old woman. I don't like it that it's like only young women who can have a love story. For men even old can be considered as sexy, like the grandpa.
I know I'm annoying but it's too bad. I will gladly read everything though

Nemaki created a topic of That Sexapparition

I love his tatoo. Kinda want the same haha

Aaaaaw this is so touching :') I discovered this manga since the first chapters came out and waiting every weeks or so to read 1 chapter at a time. I'll miss reading it when it'll end :') :') :')

Nemaki created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

Such cute parents <3 <3 If every parents were like that, I think the world would be a much better place :')

Nemaki created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Ooooh thanks god there were the 2 pictures at the end of the chapter! If not I would have never guessed the older brother was the crazy emperor in the past. The characters's face are too much alike haha

Nemaki created a topic of 31st Consort

As a french person, everytime I read this I'm shivering O_O "Lord Macron"...

Nemaki created a topic of Comes In Threes

"Comedy" yeah right this is so funny I'm having tears in my eyes from laughing so much...
Wonder why they taste so bitter though