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Mangolux March 21, 2024 5:28 pm

Its really over boys, ngl I will miss this wreck, it was like Crack to me and now it's gone lmao. By what the creator's note sounds like we may have the possibility of side stories so honestly I'd be down to read that, but wow can't believe it's finally ended I will miss this chaotic comment section.

Mangolux March 14, 2024 11:46 pm

It's over boys, ngl I will miss this headache it feels like ending a bad breakup, anyways I actually do want side stories that is like continuation to that mini bakery chapter? Wtv a guy can dream.

Mangolux February 23, 2024 1:15 am

Why couldn't we get side stories with their babies instead what was this......

    Kaizenix February 23, 2024 2:28 pm

    By the ending, I think we will

Mangolux February 23, 2024 1:03 am

To the person replying to every bad comment you do you my guy I love coming here every week for my dose of people having a mental breakdown, I do however want to know why it's still ongoing lmao I swear to God if we get like a surprise drama arc where Yawhis kidnapper comes back or something that would be so funny we need to bring back some spice into this I was so used to the drama and now it's so vanilla to me.

Mangolux February 2, 2024 4:14 pm

I'm sorry that slap was so funny!! Sjgdjdd Yahwi was like u can hit me and Jooin wasted no time and was like Bet! Bye! Jshdidhdjd

Mangolux January 25, 2024 6:14 pm

I'm just here for the comments after seeing ch 100 and you guys are not disappointing lmao. We all knew this was gonna happen guys I mean have u seen the author's last work? Free aneurysm!

Mangolux January 12, 2024 5:29 pm

Calling it, there will be a time skip and Jooin will be working in the same company Yawhi's grandpa has and Yawhi will inherit the company he most likely will be Jooin's new boss blah blah blah he will be nicer to him since he learned his lesson the first time Jooin will DEFINITELY be like "oh he's changed so much" and they will get together, alright we can all pack it up guys.

    Mioro January 12, 2024 5:59 pm

    Yeah. It definitely has the vibes that they made such a big deal of Cain&Jooin ending so its clear they don't ever be together

    Gucciha_$a$uke January 12, 2024 10:59 pm
    Yeah. It definitely has the vibes that they made such a big deal of Cain&Jooin ending so its clear they don't ever be together Mioro

    tbf they made a big deal out of him rejecting yahwi too. so tm sure he will meet both of them in the future, just one will turn out to be happier with someone else or something

Mangolux September 21, 2023 3:11 pm

Lmao I know Cain is still the safe option but last chapter was definitely not a great look for him. If Jooin was present on Cain's whole family reunion he would've been disappointed by him. I keep seeing comments being like "yawhi looks different, he's no longer that handsome" etc. I think that's the point he's becoming more "human" now. We were looking at Yawhi from Jooin's point of view which to him was this super handsome and unattainable guy, now that Jooin has opened his eyes Yawhi is just some guy who's slowly trying to become human/ working on being decent, but again too little too late for me to like him. At this point there's only 2 routes this manhwa can take, Cain will come back to Korea and try to fight Yawhi and jooin discovers the truth about Cain just being a little ungrateful towards his family. Or 2 that one guy from Yawhis past comes back and if you're thinking that's not possible have you read this authors 1st work?? Super unhinged she might pull a crazy plot if you know her first work. Either way Jooin will get a headache he just wanted a normal college life lol.

    im not creative for nicknames September 22, 2023 4:20 am

    I think you made some really cool observations but I have to disagree with the whole "Cain being ungrateful to his family" thing, yes he worded things harshly but just because you grew up with loving parents doesn't mean u have to base your whole around them, sometimes u find ur passion in something that is far away from family and that's totally okay, your life is your own and you can't let other ppl control it for u

Mangolux September 2, 2023 2:07 am

You know this would've been a nice chapter if Yawhi hadn't been a pice of shit before. Like if his whole purpose was to reunite with His childhood crush which was Jooin he should've just been nice to him since the beginning. Honestly throw the whole thing away do guys remember that one mini chapter where Jooin own his own bakery and Yawhi buys cakes from him and basically falls at first sight? Wish we could've gotten that plotline instead. Alternate universe where I would've loved yawhi and jooin together I hope the author maybe continues that alternate universe as side chapters? I can hope.

    Donggyun'sPeach September 2, 2023 2:10 am

    I agree with this. All the unnecessary toxic behavior they made yahwi do is just ://// and then they make yahwi the endgame after being the toxic character in the story while Cain becomes the rejected party just doesnt sit right with me and puts me on edge.

    milkteainajuicebox September 2, 2023 3:15 am

    he is emotionally stunted and obviously very severely traumatized and most likely abused. He was taught to never show emotions for other people also would you not be a little mad if the one person who was kind to you and promised they wouldn't forget you,,,,,, forgot you,,,,,,,,

    people on the internet when characters with trauma act like characters with trauma

    Donggyun'sPeach September 2, 2023 3:22 am
    he is emotionally stunted and obviously very severely traumatized and most likely abused. He was taught to never show emotions for other people also would you not be a little mad if the one person who was kind ... milkteainajuicebox

    Idk if this is sarcasm or youre just actually serious

    Donggyun'sPeach September 2, 2023 3:25 am
    he is emotionally stunted and obviously very severely traumatized and most likely abused. He was taught to never show emotions for other people also would you not be a little mad if the one person who was kind ... milkteainajuicebox

    Nvm I checked your topics and youre actually serious. Okay first of all, just because someone is traumatized, it doesnt give them the right to hurt other people and use the excuse "oh its fine because Im traumatized and I wasnt taught how to handle emotions" like is that supposed to be my problem? Like Im sorry if someone went through some shit but if they're gonna hurt someone and try to even manipulate them and then USE THE EXCUSE LIKE "Ive been through shit and traumatized, I cant handle my emotions because of that :((((" bitch no, imagine you went through because of someone and they only start being nice to you all of a sudden and then try to sway you with their "sob traumatic story"

    Donggyun'sPeach September 2, 2023 3:26 am
    he is emotionally stunted and obviously very severely traumatized and most likely abused. He was taught to never show emotions for other people also would you not be a little mad if the one person who was kind ... milkteainajuicebox


    Donggyun'sPeach September 2, 2023 3:26 am
    he is emotionally stunted and obviously very severely traumatized and most likely abused. He was taught to never show emotions for other people also would you not be a little mad if the one person who was kind ... milkteainajuicebox

    Like wtf are you baby-ing an ADULT CHARACTER, grow tf up

    Penis September 2, 2023 3:38 am
    he is emotionally stunted and obviously very severely traumatized and most likely abused. He was taught to never show emotions for other people also would you not be a little mad if the one person who was kind ... milkteainajuicebox

    "would you not be a little mad if the one person who was kind to you and promised they wouldn't forget you,,,,,, forgot you" no i wouldn't. Because only people with photographic memory could remember their "childhood friend" whom they met for only like 2 times. And your last statement is like saying yahwi raped jooin drunk then victim blamed him bcs he has traumas lmao

    Penis September 2, 2023 3:42 am
    he is emotionally stunted and obviously very severely traumatized and most likely abused. He was taught to never show emotions for other people also would you not be a little mad if the one person who was kind ... milkteainajuicebox

    You when people doesn't justify a dictional characters' actions because they have traumas

    Penis September 2, 2023 3:42 am
    You when people doesn't justify a dictional characters' actions because they have traumas Penis


    Penis September 2, 2023 3:45 am
    he is emotionally stunted and obviously very severely traumatized and most likely abused. He was taught to never show emotions for other people also would you not be a little mad if the one person who was kind ... milkteainajuicebox

    You're literally saying that abusers abusing someone is okay and justifiable bcs they experienced the same thing in their childhood lol. Having traumas doesn't excuse his actions dawg

    Donggyun'sPeach September 2, 2023 3:47 am
    You're literally saying that abusers abusing someone is okay and justifiable bcs they experienced the same thing in their childhood lol. Having traumas doesn't excuse his actions dawg Penis


    Penis September 2, 2023 3:48 am
    Idk if this is sarcasm or youre just actually serious Donggyun'sPeach

    Its insane how his fandom justify him i don't even hate him that much bcs his trauma js valid but his fandom justifying him are crazy

    Penis September 2, 2023 3:49 am
    EXACTLYYYY! PREACH !!!! Donggyun'sPeach

    Im sick of tired of yahwi stans like this im not against them stanning yahwi they can stan all they want or whatever im js against those who justify his actions it mad annoying tbh

    Penis September 2, 2023 3:52 am
    Im sick of tired of yahwi stans like this im not against them stanning yahwi they can stan all they want or whatever im js against those who justify his actions it mad annoying tbh Penis

    @riri is the obly yahwi stan i like in this comment section honestly they dont justify yahwi or hate on cain. They're woke and listens to opinions.

    Donggyun'sPeach September 2, 2023 4:05 am
    Im sick of tired of yahwi stans like this im not against them stanning yahwi they can stan all they want or whatever im js against those who justify his actions it mad annoying tbh Penis

    My exact thoughts, Idrc who you Stan AS LONG AS THEY ACKNOWLEDGE the wrong things about the character they're stanning but WHEN THEY JUSTIFY those actions. Nah, we got a problem

    milkteainajuicebox September 2, 2023 4:21 am
    Nvm I checked your topics and youre actually serious. Okay first of all, just because someone is traumatized, it doesnt give them the right to hurt other people and use the excuse "oh its fine because Im trauma... Donggyun'sPeach

    I never said that gives him an excuse, what I am saying is that somebody having trauma is going to impact them as a character, and having a change of heart isn't uncommon. for example, bj Alex, which you seem to be very fond of Smiles.

    Donggyun'sPeach September 2, 2023 4:25 am
    I never said that gives him an excuse, what I am saying is that somebody having trauma is going to impact them as a character, and having a change of heart isn't uncommon. for example, bj Alex, which you seem t... milkteainajuicebox

    But youre indirectly saying it. You dont even realize what youre saying. You come off as someone defending him. Yeah change of heart is good. But its not okay when the character EASILY FORGIVES THE GUY WHO HURT HIM like how tf is yahwi gonna reflect on his actions and shit. BJ Alex is kind of an exception, Donggyun did not let Jiwon treat him like for long and ACTUALLY DID A BIG EFFORT IN TRYING TO MOVE ON. He didnt justify what Jiwon did to him like Jooin was doing in this chapter at the car.

    Donggyun'sPeach September 2, 2023 4:26 am
    I never said that gives him an excuse, what I am saying is that somebody having trauma is going to impact them as a character, and having a change of heart isn't uncommon. for example, bj Alex, which you seem t... milkteainajuicebox

    Your other comment/topic is literally trying to justify his RAPING ACTIONS too. Dont make me fucking quote what you said

    milkteainajuicebox September 2, 2023 4:26 am
    My exact thoughts, Idrc who you Stan AS LONG AS THEY ACKNOWLEDGE the wrong things about the character they're stanning but WHEN THEY JUSTIFY those actions. Nah, we got a problem Donggyun'sPeach

    I'm so curious as to when I said that he did nothing wrong, you said that his actions were unnecessary and had no reason, which is just wrong lmao. also calling him a r//pist is foul considering that it's at best dubious consent. If you'd like I can put together a list of every manga in your page that includes actual r//pe ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Donggyun'sPeach September 2, 2023 4:28 am
    I'm so curious as to when I said that he did nothing wrong, you said that his actions were unnecessary and had no reason, which is just wrong lmao. also calling him a r//pist is foul considering that it's at be... milkteainajuicebox

    Are you actually telling me that fucking someone drunk and unconscious is "its at best dubious consent"??? You make me fcking sick

    milkteainajuicebox September 2, 2023 4:28 am
    But youre indirectly saying it. You dont even realize what youre saying. You come off as someone defending him. Yeah change of heart is good. But its not okay when the character EASILY FORGIVES THE GUY WHO HURT... Donggyun'sPeach

    easily??? forgive?? jooin does the exact same thing, did you forgetabout the what 30-40 chapters where jooin is actively ignoring him and telling him to think about how he treated him, AND HE DOES??? so now he is proving that he has thought about, jooin complained he didn't tell him anything and didn't treat them like lovers, so HES OPENING UP

    Donggyun'sPeach September 2, 2023 4:28 am
    I'm so curious as to when I said that he did nothing wrong, you said that his actions were unnecessary and had no reason, which is just wrong lmao. also calling him a r//pist is foul considering that it's at be... milkteainajuicebox

    Ohohoho no youre dragging me list into this, but have you seen a single comment of mine ON THOSE MANGAS Of me just justifying rape and using trauma as an excuse to let the character hurt someone like you did?

    milkteainajuicebox September 2, 2023 4:29 am
    Are you actually telling me that fucking someone drunk and unconscious is "its at best dubious consent"??? You make me fcking sick Donggyun'sPeach

    bro was not unconscious what manhwa are you reading?!?!?!?

    Donggyun'sPeach September 2, 2023 4:30 am
    I'm so curious as to when I said that he did nothing wrong, you said that his actions were unnecessary and had no reason, which is just wrong lmao. also calling him a r//pist is foul considering that it's at be... milkteainajuicebox

    Ohohoho now youre dragging my manga list into this. Fine go ahead but I NEVER had a single comment on those mangas justifying rape, calling the rapist character MY COMFORT CHARACTER like you did, And I certainly did not post any comment of me defending a toxic character with the excuse "but he's a traumatized widil baby :((("

    Donggyun'sPeach September 2, 2023 4:31 am
    Are you actually telling me that fucking someone drunk and unconscious is "its at best dubious consent"??? You make me fcking sick Donggyun'sPeach

    Ohohoho now youre dragging my manga list into this. Fine go ahead but I NEVER had a single comment on those mangas justifying rape, calling the rapist character MY COMFORT CHARACTER like you did, And I certainly did not post any comment of me defending a toxic character with the excuse "but he's a traumatized widil baby :((("

    Donggyun'sPeach September 2, 2023 4:32 am
    bro was not unconscious what manhwa are you reading?!?!?!? milkteainajuicebox


    milkteainajuicebox September 2, 2023 4:33 am
    But youre indirectly saying it. You dont even realize what youre saying. You come off as someone defending him. Yeah change of heart is good. But its not okay when the character EASILY FORGIVES THE GUY WHO HURT... Donggyun'sPeach

    you are delulu mate (also I can't see my other comment so if it's just a glitch on my end I apologize)

    easily forgives??? have you forgotten the 20-30 chapters where jooin is actively ignoring yawhi??? where he DOES attempt to move on with Cain???????? where he tells yawhi to think about how he treated him and HE DOES??? yawhi has been reflecting on his actions what are u reading

    Donggyun'sPeach September 2, 2023 4:33 am

    Honestly Im not gonna say anything more to you, youre making me lose my fucking braincells. You have no comment sense or morals you moron

    milkteainajuicebox September 2, 2023 4:33 am
    Are you actually telling me that fucking someone drunk and unconscious is "its at best dubious consent"??? You make me fcking sick Donggyun'sPeach

    he wasn't unconscious and instigated it, like I said dubious consent :3

    Donggyun'sPeach September 2, 2023 4:33 am
    Honestly Im not gonna say anything more to you, youre making me lose my fucking braincells. You have no comment sense or morals you moron Donggyun'sPeach

    Common sense**

    Donggyun'sPeach September 2, 2023 4:35 am
    he wasn't unconscious and instigated it, like I said dubious consent :3 milkteainajuicebox

    Keep being delusional all you want

    Donggyun'sPeach September 2, 2023 4:36 am
    you are delulu mate (also I can't see my other comment so if it's just a glitch on my end I apologize)easily forgives??? have you forgotten the 20-30 chapters where jooin is actively ignoring yawhi??? where he ... milkteainajuicebox

    I have a fckinf screenshot. Where can I upload shit like this

    Penis September 2, 2023 4:36 am
    he wasn't unconscious and instigated it, like I said dubious consent :3 milkteainajuicebox

    He's unconscious though thinking its a dream he isn't aware whats happening irl what the hell do u call that unless u use the word "unconscious"

    Donggyun'sPeach September 2, 2023 4:37 am
    He's unconscious though thinking its a dream he isn't aware whats happening irl what the hell do u call that unless u use the word "unconscious" Penis

    Take it from here for me will you, Im about to lose my fcking mind talking to this yahwi stan

    milkteainajuicebox September 2, 2023 4:37 am
    He's unconscious though thinking its a dream he isn't aware whats happening irl what the hell do u call that unless u use the word "unconscious" Penis

    doesn't change the fact that yawhi didn't know lmao (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    milkteainajuicebox September 2, 2023 4:38 am
    Take it from here for me will you, Im about to lose my fcking mind talking to this yahwi stan Donggyun'sPeach

    keep ignoring the blatant evidence of yawhi heavily thinking about his actions and actively becoming a better person because it better fits your narrative

    Penis September 2, 2023 4:39 am
    Take it from here for me will you, Im about to lose my fcking mind talking to this yahwi stan Donggyun'sPeach

    They js cant accept that it was rape ong i thought we were done w the rape thing 2 years ago didn't know there's still yahwi stans who's still justifying this

    milkteainajuicebox September 2, 2023 4:39 am
    They js cant accept that it was rape ong i thought we were done w the rape thing 2 years ago didn't know there's still yahwi stans who's still justifying this Penis

    if that was r//pe every seme in every popular bl manga is a r//pist lmao

    Donggyun'sPeach September 2, 2023 4:40 am
    if that was r//pe every seme in every popular bl manga is a r//pist lmao milkteainajuicebox


    milkteainajuicebox September 2, 2023 4:44 am
    They js cant accept that it was rape ong i thought we were done w the rape thing 2 years ago didn't know there's still yahwi stans who's still justifying this Penis

    also I never said "I loved when he had sex with jooin while he was drunk" what I am saying is that

    1. the situation was misunderstood by yawhi (which we actually see in this chapter as he is slightly surprised when hearing that jooin doesn't remember anything from that night)

    2. I'm not saying either that he should have everything he does be forgiven because he's traumatized, I'm saying that that's the reason and he's not just toxic for no reason lmao, he's like that because of the shit he went through, which is very realistic to real life and to how people have gone through similar things act. don't forget he admits that his grandfather taught him to never be nice to anyone.

    3. he has gone through active character development and was forced to reflect on his actions and become a better person for the 20-30 chapters where jooin was ignoring him, and we see how much this is affecting him.

    4. also, jooin doesn't easily forgive him, like I said,, 20-30 chapters,,,

    5. and finally if we aren't allowed to like characters with flaws or characters with actual growth, then what's the point anymore

    milkteainajuicebox September 2, 2023 4:45 am
    also I never said "I loved when he had sex with jooin while he was drunk" what I am saying is that 1. the situation was misunderstood by yawhi (which we actually see in this chapter as he is slightly surprised ... milkteainajuicebox

    you probably won't read all of this and tbh i don't care, just why comment on a manga if you hate it so much lolololol

    Penis September 2, 2023 4:45 am
    doesn't change the fact that yawhi didn't know lmao (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ milkteainajuicebox

    literally read chapter 8 dawg Yahwi literally knew jooin was dreaming your so fucking delusional jooin literally said "its like the dream that happens every night" and even if he didnt know isnt it js moraly right to not touch a drunk person lol

    Chi September 2, 2023 4:58 am
    I'm so curious as to when I said that he did nothing wrong, you said that his actions were unnecessary and had no reason, which is just wrong lmao. also calling him a r//pist is foul considering that it's at be... milkteainajuicebox

    he was actually unconscious what are you on about looking for mangas with rape in them is not a flex btw that's creepy asf so keep that to yourself. yahwi defenders are crazy

    Chi September 2, 2023 4:59 am
    Honestly Im not gonna say anything more to you, youre making me lose my fucking braincells. You have no comment sense or morals you moron Donggyun'sPeach

    no literally bc why do they think being drunk means you're conscious

    Penis September 2, 2023 5:00 am
    he was actually unconscious what are you on about looking for mangas with rape in them is not a flex btw that's creepy asf so keep that to yourself. yahwi defenders are crazy Chi


    Penis September 2, 2023 5:04 am
    no literally bc why do they think being drunk means you're conscious Chi

    Their definition of conscious is prolly
    Conscious= eyes are open

    Donggyun'sPeach September 2, 2023 5:07 am

    I WAS LITERALLY REREADING CHAPTERS WHILE REPLYING TO THESE AND THEY KEEP GOING ON ABOUT "it was dubious consent, he wasnt unconscious" like ghorl Im literally rereading the scene where the so called dubious consent happened and you're saying it WASNT jooin being unconscious

    Penis September 2, 2023 5:10 am
    I WAS LITERALLY REREADING CHAPTERS WHILE REPLYING TO THESE AND THEY KEEP GOING ON ABOUT "it was dubious consent, he wasnt unconscious" like ghorl Im literally rereading the scene where the so called dubious con... Donggyun'sPeach

    Chapter 8 was so fucking clear what manhwa are they reading i swear yahwi stans has their own version of yours to claim

    Donggyun'sPeach September 2, 2023 5:13 am
    Chapter 8 was so fucking clear what manhwa are they reading i swear yahwi stans has their own version of yours to claim Penis

    Basically, they're delulu. Its funny how earlier they literally told me "you're delulu mate"

    HoneyBunny September 2, 2023 8:26 am
    I'm so curious as to when I said that he did nothing wrong, you said that his actions were unnecessary and had no reason, which is just wrong lmao. also calling him a r//pist is foul considering that it's at be... milkteainajuicebox

    Wait what? So you're telling me fucking someone while unconscious isnt rape?Dont give me that shit that he loves him so it's not rape. Marital rape do exist. Also he also raped Jooin twice. The other time was when Jooin was hanging out with Cain and Yahwi got jealous. And stop with the characters,are you in your senses right now? People can like characters cause they're fictional but stop justifying crimes. This generation is in danger cause of people like you jeez.

    Donggyun'sPeach September 2, 2023 4:05 pm
    Wait what? So you're telling me fucking someone while unconscious isnt rape?Dont give me that shit that he loves him so it's not rape. Marital rape do exist. Also he also raped Jooin twice. The other time was w... HoneyBunny

    P r e a c h

Mangolux August 17, 2023 4:50 pm

Probably gonna get hate for this but I fond this funny. Yahwi's mom and Jooin's mom look pretty
simliar and Jooin takes a lot from his mom. Yahwi just Probably likes people that looks like his mom lmao

    Penis August 17, 2023 4:51 pm


    hatdiggitydog August 17, 2023 5:15 pm

    LMAOO rip freud he would've loved this comment

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