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Mangolux created a topic of Yours to Claim

Its really over boys, ngl I will miss this wreck, it was like Crack to me and now it's gone lmao. By what the creator's note sounds like we may have the possibility of side stories so honestly I'd be down to read that, but wow can't believe it's finally ended I will miss this chaotic comment section.

Mangolux created a topic of Yours to Claim

It's over boys, ngl I will miss this headache it feels like ending a bad breakup, anyways I actually do want side stories that is like continuation to that mini bakery chapter? Wtv a guy can dream.

Mangolux created a topic of One Night Only

Why couldn't we get side stories with their babies instead what was this......

Mangolux created a topic of Yours to Claim

To the person replying to every bad comment you do you my guy I love coming here every week for my dose of people having a mental breakdown, I do however want to know why it's still ongoing lmao I swear to God if we get like a surprise drama arc where Yawhis kidnapper comes back or something that would be so funny we need to bring back some spice into this I was so used to the drama and now it's so vanilla to me.

Mangolux created a topic of Yours to Claim

I'm sorry that slap was so funny!! Sjgdjdd Yahwi was like u can hit me and Jooin wasted no time and was like Bet! Bye! Jshdidhdjd

Mangolux created a topic of Yours to Claim

I'm just here for the comments after seeing ch 100 and you guys are not disappointing lmao. We all knew this was gonna happen guys I mean have u seen the author's last work? Free aneurysm!

Mangolux created a topic of Yours to Claim

Calling it, there will be a time skip and Jooin will be working in the same company Yawhi's grandpa has and Yawhi will inherit the company he most likely will be Jooin's new boss blah blah blah he will be nicer to him since he learned his lesson the first time Jooin will DEFINITELY be like "oh he's changed so much" and they will get together, alright we can all pack it up guys.

Mangolux created a topic of Yours to Claim

Lmao I know Cain is still the safe option but last chapter was definitely not a great look for him. If Jooin was present on Cain's whole family reunion he would've been disappointed by him. I keep seeing comments being like "yawhi looks different, he's no longer that handsome" etc. I think that's the point he's becoming more "human" now. We were looking at Yawhi from Jooin's point of view which to him was this super handsome and unattainable guy, now that Jooin has opened his eyes Yawhi is just some guy who's slowly trying to become human/ working on being decent, but again too little too late for me to like him. At this point there's only 2 routes this manhwa can take, Cain will come back to Korea and try to fight Yawhi and jooin discovers the truth about Cain just being a little ungrateful towards his family. Or 2 that one guy from Yawhis past comes back and if you're thinking that's not possible have you read this authors 1st work?? Super unhinged she might pull a crazy plot if you know her first work. Either way Jooin will get a headache he just wanted a normal college life lol.

Mangolux created a topic of Yours to Claim

You know this would've been a nice chapter if Yawhi hadn't been a pice of shit before. Like if his whole purpose was to reunite with His childhood crush which was Jooin he should've just been nice to him since the beginning. Honestly throw the whole thing away do guys remember that one mini chapter where Jooin own his own bakery and Yawhi buys cakes from him and basically falls at first sight? Wish we could've gotten that plotline instead. Alternate universe where I would've loved yawhi and jooin together I hope the author maybe continues that alternate universe as side chapters? I can hope.

Mangolux created a topic of Yours to Claim

Probably gonna get hate for this but I fond this funny. Yahwi's mom and Jooin's mom look pretty
simliar and Jooin takes a lot from his mom. Yahwi just Probably likes people that looks like his mom lmao