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Squiddy's experience ( All 0 )

Squiddy's answer ( All 5 )

about being gay
That's perfectly okay, it's okay to be scared. Just know that you don't have to force yourself to come out or anything like that, in the future you may want to though. Happiness tends to sneak up on us in mysterious ways, you never know what might happen so don't be ashamed. Just be yourself and take the time to accept that part of you.   reply
01 05,2021
My hair is a little longer, but this is basically me   reply
18 02,2021
29 01,2021
Definitely not, this is not okay in any circumstance. A parent should not be doing that to their child, especially if you're uncomfortable with it. Try telling an adult or someone you trust about it (preferably not them)   reply
29 01,2021

Squiddy's question ( All 0 )