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Alice created a topic of Backlight

What do you mean ‘not yet’???? it’s fucking obvious that was a bad decision from the get go

Alice created a topic of Dark Fall
Alice created a topic of Backlight

I’m confused but I don’t think I really like blondie

Alice created a topic of Sin Flower

The relationship is a bit too predatory for me, like the white haired priest watched the seme grow up he also just pisses me off

Alice created a topic of Dear, Teddy Bear

I need whatever all these average looking ukes have because the semes may be psychotic but they sure are fine

Alice created a topic of Dear, Teddy Bear

What in the actual fuck? He pushed him off a cliff ?

Alice created a topic of My Suha

I really just want another manhwa with the second couple. Because no way they just end like that

Alice created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

The way he just yanked the flowers out of his hands. What a bitch. yes he’s taken now back the fuck off

Alice created a topic of The Substitute Relationship

People really feeling bad for the seme now?!? Wth bro, the uke has every right not to like or forgive the seme for what he’s done. I swear some readers have amnesia. I’m rooting for their relationship too, but I think it’s totally understandable that the uke still doesn’t want to be with him or ever wants to be with him tbh…

Alice created a topic of Lover Boy

Can’t even express how much a hate the uke

Alice created a topic of Pear Blosom Love

Read some of the raws and I literally hate everyone apart from brown haired seme. MC is kinda a manwhore who is being sexual with the two semes literally one after another . Don’t know what he sees in the black haired one, he’s annoying af and needs to fuck off to another planet

Alice created a topic of Bride of Ignat

Wait did I already read that? I honestly can’t remember at this point :’(

Alice created a topic of Backlight

Hard no, you have both money and your own home