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Titania nina June 2, 2024 12:27 am

...i mean i dont mind the lovey dovey stuff but does this rly mean mc just didnt care that much abt monogamy and basically had a brat kink ...and we just misunderstood? Cuz am not getting this whole sudden change stuff

Titania nina June 2, 2024 12:25 am

...guys i think mc liked the rape there is alot pf confoosion here

    soona June 3, 2024 2:00 pm

    I don't think he liked it necessarily, but sex probably doesnt mean much to him. Like a doubt he feels "impure","dirty" or whatever social construct we build around sexuality.
    So i feel like what impact him the most in all that is probably ithe humilation that the hunters of team one put him through on top of the sex. They are all deranged and always plays cold and warm like they have multilple personalities (playing considering and calm and the next day verbally abusing him while raping him etc..)
    To me it genunely looks like this what he struggled the most from cuz even I as a reader sometimes feel like they finaly started respecting him (after a mission 4 exemple) and then they go back to talking to yugeon like he's trash.

    At the same time bcz he's very nonchament and focus on a goal to save his brother it's hard to figure how much he truly suffers from being their guide.
    But to be honest I love that he hasn't developped a stockholme syndrome and really is nice just bcz that's his personality+ its his duty as a guide to make sure they are okay.

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